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Showing posts from July, 2019

Discuss the dimensions of inequality in development Planning.

1. Wealth distribution Income and wealth distribution are closely interrelated. Some primary income can be obtained from asset ownership in the form of interests, dividends and other revenues from capital. Indeed, revenues from property may represent a large share in the total income of the higher income groups. Some of that income is then saved and used for capital accumulation to generate more wealth. Generally, this interrelationship applies to high-income groups who are able to save a significant proportion of their revenues, so that most of the wealth is concentrated in these groups. As a matter of fact, countries with a high concentration of wealth also tend to have a high concentration of income, and vice versa. 2. Gender inequality An important aspect of social and economic inequality relates to gender. Gender-related differences in incomes and opportunities (within and across households) are determined by a wide range of factors, such as employment and wage conditions...

Parents are the best teacher for their children. Do you agree/disagree with the statement? Elaborate.

What do you think about the topic? Do you, as a child think parents are the best teacher a child can ever have? Do you think your parents are your teacher? Have you ever thought, how much they have taught you by now?  For me, my parents are my source of knowledge, inspiration, my motivational factors, my source of happiness and success. If I was not taught about social behavior, norms and values, respect and how to do day to day activities I would not have been writing this.  Yes, for me Parents are the best teacher a child can ever have. Except for the bookish knowledge, my parents have taught me most of the basic and essential things I require throughout my life. I am so very blessed to be the daughter of my parents. I thank god, to be born as their daughter.  My mother is someone so pure, so kind, helpful, courageous and true. All she has learned is to work hard with dedication and lots of passion to own work. She has taught me to be a good woman wit...

Definitions of National Income:

The definitions of national income can be grouped into two classes: One, the traditional definitions advanced by Marshall, Pigou and Fisher; and two, modern definitions. 1. Traditional View a. The Marshallian Definition: According to Marshall: “The labour and capital of a country acting on its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, material and immaterial including services of all kinds. This is the true net annual income or revenue of the country or national dividend.” In this definition, the word ‘net’ refers to deductions from the gross national income in respect of depreciation and wearing out of machines. And to this, must be added income from abroad. b. The Pigouvian Definition: A.C. Pigou has in his definition of national income included that income which can be measured in terms of money. In the words of Pigou, “National income is that part of objective income of the community, including of course income derived from abroad wh...

What is Production?

What is Production? Production is basically an activity of transformation , which connects factor inputs and outputs. The process of transforming inputs into outputs can be any of the following kinds:  • Change in the Form(Raw material transformed to finished goods ) • Change in Place( Supply chain, Factory to Retailer) •With these three kinds of transformations, usability of the good or materials increases. •Production is an activity that increases consumer usability of goods and services. Basic Concepts of Production Theory: Classifications of Inputs (i) labour (ii) capital (iii) land (iv) raw materials (v) time.  These variables are measured per unit of time and hence referred to as flow variables. Entrepreneurship  has been added as part of the production inputs, though this can be measured by the managerial expertise and the ability to make things happen. Basic concepts of Production Theory • An input is a good or service that goes into the production...

The Do’s and Dont’s in Monsoon

We can see 50%-50% of people loving monsoon and hating it. I personally love and hate monsoon. I love how the rain produces its sound; it is so pleasant and calm feeling for me to hear. I love the first smell of the soil as soon as it rains. I love how the positive vibes come in my mind. Every rain takes me to my school days. It used to be so fun playing with each drop without caring for the health and scolds of parents.  Sitting in a cozy sofa in a low light room with popcorn and a good movie is something that visualized in my mind whenever it rains. But it’s only in my mind. Whenever it rains, I feel so lazy to do anything and just lay under the blanket and listen to melo music.  The reasons I hate monsoon is that I get wet pretty soon even after walking under an umbrella, roads get muddy, risk of natural calamities and disasters, mosquitoes are high in number, high chances of slipping in the floor, chances of getting cold and flues and so on.  My ...


Me as a thinker:   Health and health-care problems are varied and extensive all over the world and it potentially threatens the majority of people. Health and health-care facilities are generally poor and it directly reflects the mode of life. The majority of people live in poverty and deprivation, while the nation's small wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. In rural areas, there is poor nutrition and sanitation, inadequate housing for most families and the absence of modern medical care and other social services. The rich live comparatively in access to the services but what about poor people in rural areas?  Me as a pharmacist:  I see many scopes of the pharmacy profession and pharmacy subject like production and manufacturing, formulation development, quality assurance and quality control, research, and development, hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, academics, marketing, government jobs, entrepreneurship, nuclear pharmacy, telepha...

5 remedies to cure period cramps

Period cramps or menstrual cramps or period pains are also called dysmenorrhea. Periods are like a nightmare to most of the women. Few days of periods feel like a month due to the extreme pain and bleeding. There are many women suffering from extreme period pain, excessive bleeding, mood swings, backache, etc. which almost drives them crazy. They do not have enough energy and power to perform day to day activities. Period cramps are caused due to the excess release of prostaglandin compounds from the uterine lining. Prostaglandin is a necessary part of the menstruation but if this compound release in excess amount, it causes period cramps.  One of my friend explains her pain during the period as:  “The period’s pain for me is unlike anything else that I have felt all my life. It feels like all the nerves on my body are in pain along with my lower stomach and back as the center of its origin. I feel so nauseous that even the thought of having food makes me want to vom...

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Today when I recall my childhood days (yesterday), a smile comes on my face. Friends gathering, playing hide and seek, kabbadi, fighting with siblings for remote, etc. Neither have we had mobile phones nor the Internet still we were happy in our own world. Coming to this day, technology has been developed so rapidly that we have no time for our parents and friends. We are fully dependent and lost within phones and its system. You don’t have to go to the front yard of your home or ground to play games, you don’t have to visit your friends, you don’t have to go telephone booth to call, and you don’t have to go cyber for internet access, you don’t have to read the newspaper as every facility are available on your phone, laptop and computer. You could visit a world confined in a room. I am very happy to share that with the development of technology we along with country has been developed. We could connect to our family members and friends who are far away from home easily; Telephone/W...

Journey from Allopathic knowledge to Ayurvedic Professional Life

Everybody wants to have a great and happy future. Future is uncertain, we don’t know what will happen the next day or after few hours. My journey to professional life is something I never had imagined.  After fifteen years of my schooling, I was in the path where I had to choose the direction that will lead me either in the right destination or wrong. This phase was so complicated for me. The bachelors’ education level was something that will help me pursue a good career. So, I took time for myself and finally decided to choose the Pharmacy sector to build up my career. I completed my four years’ study and graduated in Bachelor of Pharmacy and become registered Pharmacist. Till the date I was going to School, Higher School and then the University to study and gain knowledge so that I could apply them in my future Professional life. During my University days, I used to wake up at 6 am and get ready at 8 a.m., attend class from 9-4, study, done with so many exams, had beautif...

जीवनका सहयोगी

मानिसले आफूले ज्यूने क्रमसम्म सुख चाहन्छ । ऊ आनन्दको साथ आफ्नो जीवन बिताउन पाए कति रमाइलो हुने थियो होला भन्ने सोच्छ । उसले आफूले कहिल्यै पनि दुःख देख्न नपरोस् भन्ने गर्छ, तर मानिस जन्मिएपछि उसले आफूसँग सुख र दुःख दुवै सँगै ल्याएको हुन्छ । भनिन्छ मानिसले धेरै दुःख सहेरै मात्र सुख प्राप्त गर्न सक्छ जुन मीठोे र रमाइलो हुन्छ । हामी सबैलाई थाहा नै छ होला हरेक कथाको अन्त्य सुखमा बित्छ जसको सुख दुःख र कष्टबाट भएको हुन्छ ।  हामीले शब्दकोषमा हे¥यांै भने सुखको परिभाषा शारीरिक र मानसिक आनन्दको अनुभव, हर्ष  र आनन्दको रुपमा लिइएको देख्छौ । मलाई भने सुख भनेको आफ्नो मनमा उब्जने रमाइलो अनुभव हो जहाँ हामीले खुसी पाउन सक्छौं जस्तो लाग्छ । शारीरिक वा मानसिक पीडा हुनु, कष्ट हुनुलाई दुःखको रुपमा लिइएको छ, हाम्रो नेपाली शब्दकोषमा भने मेरो धारणामा दुःख महसुस हामीले तब गर्छौ जब हाम्रो मन रुन्छ, हामीमा केही गर्ने क्षमता बृद्धि हुँदैन र हाम्रो नराम्रो सोच जसका कारण हामी डराउँछौं ।  कहिले काँही हामीले सुख त पाउँछौ तर पनि हाम्रो मनमा डर हुन्छ कतै त्यो सुख क्षणिक त होइन, कतै त्यो सुखले भवि...

My take on Family

Right after a child starts to learn how to write sentences one of the questions that are asked to them about family. “Who are the members of your family?” When the counter-question was done to the teacher about what the family was. She answered that our family is our parents, grandparents, and siblings. This is how the foundation of the family was made on my brain. Family is my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and my brother.  As I grew up, I was always surrounded by my cousins and all of my uncles and aunts. Being the youngest girl child in your family has its own perks, too. Your every whine will be heard and fulfilled, though some absurd one did get ignored.  I have always been calling my cousins; brothers and sisters. Since my first language is not English when I first heard about the meaning of the word ‘cousin’, I didn’t like it. That word seemed cold to me. I have never really used it before because I have grown up loving those people like siblings an...

5 convenient ways to lose weight

a. Eliminate sugary drinks and diets from your daily routine:   Sugary drinks are soda, energy drinks, fruit juices, calorie containing drinks, etc. Sugary diets are cakes, creams, donuts, chocolates, canned fruit, ice-cream, etc. These sugary products contain calories which is the factor to increase the weight. After reducing the sugar from your diet, you automatically tend to eat less food. These sugary products are the fattening agent which induce weight gain. So, avoid sugary product from your daily routine. It will surely help you maintain your proper weight.  b. Eat fruits and vegetables:  As fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat and high in vitamins and minerals. It will surely full your stomach but it won’t let you increase the weight. To get the best benefit, eat either raw or steamed vegetables with some herbs, spices and olive oil for enhancing flavor. Vegetables cooked with more spices is not so fruitful to lose w...