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Showing posts with the label Difference between Bilateral project and Multilateral projects

Difference between Bilateral project and Multilateral projects

Bilateral project: If any project is run by a mutual agreement between two friendly nations than it is a bilateral project. Both countries have an agreement to produce goods and services by using certain resources. In general, the project is run by accepting foreign aids and grants. Aids or grants are provided to poor countries through these organizations. Such organizations are: JICA (Japan), USAID (USA), UFIO (UK), SDC (SWISS), GIZ (Germany), DANIDA (Danish), BICC ( Birendra International Convention Centre) of Kathmandu, etc. are examples.  Features of Bilateral projects:   This project is based on foreign aids and grants.  This is a mutual agreement between donor country and receiver country.  This project is generally service-oriented.  This projects generally depends upon a large scale projects.  This project helps in the infrastructural development of the country.  Advantages:  Grants  Economic development  Expansion of Relationship  Employment opp