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My take on Family

Right after a child starts to learn how to write sentences one of the questions that are asked to them about family. “Who are the members of your family?” When the counter-question was done to the teacher about what the family was. She answered that our family is our parents, grandparents, and siblings. This is how the foundation of the family was made on my brain. Family is my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and my brother.  As I grew up, I was always surrounded by my cousins and all of my uncles and aunts. Being the youngest girl child in your family has its own perks, too. Your every whine will be heard and fulfilled, though some absurd one did get ignored.  I have always been calling my cousins; brothers and sisters. Since my first language is not English when I first heard about the meaning of the word ‘cousin’, I didn’t like it. That word seemed cold to me. I have never really used it before because I have grown up loving those people like siblings and that wo