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Parents are the best teacher for their children. Do you agree/disagree with the statement? Elaborate.

What do you think about the topic? Do you, as a child think parents are the best teacher a child can ever have? Do you think your parents are your teacher? Have you ever thought, how much they have taught you by now? 

For me, my parents are my source of knowledge, inspiration, my motivational factors, my source of happiness and success. If I was not taught about social behavior, norms and values, respect and how to do day to day activities I would not have been writing this. 

Yes, for me Parents are the best teacher a child can ever have. Except for the bookish knowledge, my parents have taught me most of the basic and essential things I require throughout my life. I am so very blessed to be the daughter of my parents. I thank god, to be born as their daughter. 

My mother is someone so pure, so kind, helpful, courageous and true. All she has learned is to work hard with dedication and lots of passion to own work. She has taught me to be a good woman with a generous and kind heart. My father is someone so strong, friendly, determined and satisfied person. I have learned not to give up, to tackle the problems and most importantly to be strong enough. His passion for the literature is something that pulls me to at least try writing. 

For me, my Parents are my teacher. They are my teacher throughout life because I am learning something new every day from them.

Some of my friend’s jot down their views regarding the same topic. So, let's check it below: 

1. Jaya Silwal: 

I agree with the statement because parents are the first person to teach us basic things about life from teaching us how to walk and speak to teaching us how to hold a spoon. The thing about parent’s love is there is the purest form of love, most of their decisions are made for our wellbeing. Even though some decisions can be control freak sometimes. The key point here is there is no need to doubt their teachings. It's not that they teach us everything about the world, they teach us those things that will later help us to deal with everything about the world. 

2. Manika Humagain: 

No doubt, that the parents are the best teacher a child can ever have. A child can not learn more than from anyone, except for their parents. They are a teacher by birth. They teach us to eat, speak, walk, learn and help learn many more. Likewise learning is not only limited to reading books and getting degrees, but there are also much more to do before, after and within that period. Whenever a child is born he/she does not have social skill and knowledge and child eagerly look upon someone to imitate. The 'someone' is always their parents. Children not only learn what parents teach but also follow what parents do in their daily life. Therefore, parents always have a crucial role to play to make their children a good human being on top of everything. As lacking these characteristics of good human being we cannot be able to perceive any kind of knowledge and wisdom in our life. Parents are the only one who always wants the best out of their children as the success of their children is the only motto of their life. 

3. Amoon Rana: 

I believe that parents have a very strong contribution and influence on a child’s learning. Parents take more responsibility. There is not any interruption in their teaching, and they continuously teach their children. This can lead them to become more trustful. But morality, intricacies of life, subject matter knowledge, art, science, history, the value of time, etc. are something that can’t be taught well by parents if the parents are not well educated. 

4. Priyanka Khanal: 

Parents are of course our first teacher. We merely go to school from the age of 4. By then we had have learned many things and parents are solely creditable for this. But it doesn't mean they stop teaching when we start going to school. They give moral lessons to us throughout time. Even when we finish our university, they don't stop teaching us. They are the most trusted people to seek for advice every time we get into trouble or want to start new things. Try to listen to them and analyze them with their perspective, not our, we can find great teaching and best intentions for us. Parents are the first teacher and we will never be enough to graduate from their university. 

5. Preezma Subedi: 

Parents influence greatly their children for their lifetime. I think people are molded by two factors, family and the society they are in. From birth, humans are influenced by the surrounding people and their characteristics. Parents play an important role in bringing up children which affect their lives for a long time. In early infanthood, babies are looking to moms and dads to learn basic manners to be accepted in society. As they grow up, they learn more from parents about social etiquette, which makes them more suitable to live in a society. Children tend to look to their parents as their role models. They usually learn the things that have been done by their parents. 

6. Arjun Panthi: 

Parents are the first person to advise and make a good path for the better life of their children. The positive factors from the point of view that the children stay a long time with parents. So, parents can give valuable and behavioral teachings which will enhance the growth in the children’s lifestyle. Other people get irritated while asking several questions by children but the parents always insist on their children to learn new things. They always motivate their children to learn and learn. They never let us give up on anything. They are the only purest and truest being, who never thought any single wrong thing to their children. 

If you have anything to say about your parents, please comment below. 

Article by: Nisha Joshi

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