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Showing posts with the label Request for Disbursement of Loan to bank letter

Request for Disbursement of Loan to bank letter

Date: ……………………..  To, XYZ Bank Limited ………, Kathmandu, Nepal Subject – Request for Disbursement of Loan  Dear Sir, As per meeting with bank for bridge gap loan for smooth construction of our project, we are requesting you to provide the BG loan against the bill provided by the contractor.  We are sending you copy of bills of Rs…………… (as per annex). So based on the same, we would like to request you to disburse Bridge Gap Loan in the DE ratio of x:y ratio i.e. Rs. ………/-  So we are looking forward for processing soon. Best Regards, For ………………………. Pvt. Ltd ……………………… Name of the Director (Director)