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Journey from Allopathic knowledge to Ayurvedic Professional Life

Everybody wants to have a great and happy future. Future is uncertain, we don’t know what will happen the next day or after few hours. My journey to professional life is something I never had imagined. 

After fifteen years of my schooling, I was in the path where I had to choose the direction that will lead me either in the right destination or wrong. This phase was so complicated for me. The bachelors’ education level was something that will help me pursue a good career. So, I took time for myself and finally decided to choose the Pharmacy sector to build up my career. I completed my four years’ study and graduated in Bachelor of Pharmacy and become registered Pharmacist. Till the date I was going to School, Higher School and then the University to study and gain knowledge so that I could apply them in my future Professional life. During my University days, I used to wake up at 6 am and get ready at 8 a.m., attend class from 9-4, study, done with so many exams, had beautiful years of life with friends and visited many places with near and dear ones and had amazing years of my life in between. In those days I neither had pressure nor any huge responsibility. 

After completion of Bachelors’ degree, I realized that the real challenge was yet to come i.e. I had to take a big step further for my professional life. Now I have a choice, either to enter in Industry, Hospital, Academic, Marketing or Business as we Pharmacist have many options. If you enter Industry, you can choose Production/Quality Assurance, Quality Control department or R & D. If you enter Hospital, you can choose Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance, Counseling, Dispensing or Store maintaining department. If you enter Marketing, you can choose the Marketing or Product Development department. Not only the one I have mentioned are the option, rather there are other options as well. 

As I grew up I used to believe Homeopathic and Ayurvedic medicines is a myth. Also, during Four years of study, I read and used only allopathic medicines (Paracetamol, Nimesulide and so on). There was only one subject Pharmacognosy that includes about medicinal plants and herbs and I used to think “when I will apply this knowledge”. I used to focus and give time to many other subjects like Pharmacology, Hospital Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Medicinal chemistry and so on but only a few times for Pharmacognosy. 


As I started my professional career in Ayurvedic company which I never thought I will start my career that way. Because, I was the one who grew up with taking allopathic medicines during illness, studied more and must on Allopathic medicine during study journey. There was so less content on syllabus regarding Ayurvedic medicine. 

I started my Professional life in Ayurvedic Company as a Quality Assurance Officer. Most importantly it was my own decision. As time goes on I find that the people are being more attracted to Ayurvedic medicines compared to allopathic medicines. Also, I find that people have a concept that Ayurvedic medicine has no side effects and no exact dose too. So, my curiosity towards Ayurvedic medicine increases and I joined Ayurvedic Company in order to gain knowledge and know about Ayurvedic medicines in more detail. 

Initially, it was very difficult for me after joining the company because I was quite unknown about medicinal herbs, its names, uses and many more. I used to be blank as everything was new to me. And slowly I learned their names, their medicinal uses and many more. Coming to this day I could identify many herbs easily. I learned the manufacturing process of different medicines with the use of medicinal herbs. I also came to know that, Ayurvedic medicines to have severe side effects if overdosed. People have mis-concept that it doesn’t have an effect. But it works well if you take in the proper dose and as mentioned by Physician. Mercury that is restricted in Allopathic medicines are used in Ayurvedic medicines and they have best effect in the mentioned dose. I started taking Ayurvedic medicines and I can say happily that it has a very great effect and very fewrer side effects. You may have heard a proverb, “If you take in proper dose then poison could be medicine and if you take medicine overdose then it could be poison”. People don’t follow the dosage regimen as suggested by Physician in case of Ayurvedic medicine so, remember if you have the same concept then you are in the wrong track. Ayurvedic companies are also applying new science and technology in order to manufacture qualitative medicines. Previously, there were Ayurvedic medicines in powder, bati (goli), Oil form only. Today, Ayurvedic medicines are available in different dosage forms like Tablet, Capsule, Syrup, Emulsion and Ointment. I also heard Ayurvedic companies can run and manufacture medicines without permission of the Department of Drug Administration (DDA). The truth is every procedure is the same as that of Allopathic Company. One must register the company and get an approval letter to an establish company, register each product manufactured in the company and obtain their License number and also their marketing approval. Every document must be submitted to the DDA. Every criterion must be followed to run Company. It has a different procedure in manufacturing medicine but Quality is never compromised. 

It has been more than a year and I am still working happily in the same company i.e. Ayurvedic Company. After entering to Professional life I realized the value of responsibilities and work pressure but still feels good when you get chance to learn. It took time but I learned many things about this sector and medicines. Now my first choice is Ayurvedic medicine over Allopathic medicine. I don’t mean to tell allopathic medicines are bad but Ayurvedic medicines are also good and show their effects. 

So, this is future of my yesterday and I have my great present and still many more to learn in the coming future. I hope this will help those who are still in confusion about Ayurvedic medicines. 

Article by: Pharmacist Puspa Parajuli

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