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Showing posts with the label LAYERS AND FUNCTIONS OF SKIN


Skin is the largest organ of our body. It wraps the adult body in about 20 sq. ft., that weights 6 or 7 pounds. Skin has 650 sweat glands and 20 blood vessels.  Layers of skin:  1. Epidermis  2. Dermis  3. Hypodermis  1. Epidermis: Outermost layer of skin. It produces water proof barrier and creates skin tone. Function of epidermis is protection, absorption of nutrients and homeostasis. It contains different types of cells.  i. Keratinolytes: It is a major cells of epidermis which produces keratin. Keratin is fibrous protein that aids in protection. The most common cells are squamous cells, scaly cells and basal cells.  ii. Melanocyte: It produces melanin which gives skin a color. Accumulation of melanin are packed in metanosomes. These granules form a pigment shield against UV radiation.  iii. Langerhan’s cells: Epidemis contains Langerhan’s cell produced in bone marr