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5 remedies to cure period cramps

Period cramps or menstrual cramps or period pains are also called dysmenorrhea. Periods are like a nightmare to most of the women. Few days of periods feel like a month due to the extreme pain and bleeding. There are many women suffering from extreme period pain, excessive bleeding, mood swings, backache, etc. which almost drives them crazy. They do not have enough energy and power to perform day to day activities. Period cramps are caused due to the excess release of prostaglandin compounds from the uterine lining. Prostaglandin is a necessary part of the menstruation but if this compound release in excess amount, it causes period cramps. 

One of my friend explains her pain during the period as: 

“The period’s pain for me is unlike anything else that I have felt all my life. It feels like all the nerves on my body are in pain along with my lower stomach and back as the center of its origin. I feel so nauseous that even the thought of having food makes me want to vomit. I hear people telling me that period doesn’t stop you from doing anything but what if your whole body is in so much pain that you can barely move. For me period, is all about being angry with everyone and crying without any reason at all, writhing in pain while sleeping on the bed and eating a lot of sweet things. And going through this every month is so exhausting that for those 4 days I wish I were a boy.” 

Below are some remedies for curing period cramps: 

1. Go for a healthy diet and dietary supplements: 

During menstruation most of the women have cravings. Cravings for junk foods, sugary products, etc. But these unhealthy foods are not good during menstruation. So, avoid spicy foods, junk foods, salty foods, pickles and more of unhealthy food. Instead eat vegetables, green salads, fruits, whole grains, yogurt. Your day to day diet may not be sufficient during menstruation so, you can also take supplements of magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids. This help eases the period pain and promotes health. 

2. Drink sufficient water: 

Feeling of bloating during menstruation is common so, make a habit of drinking around 2 (or more) liters of water everyday. It relieves from bloating and also ease the period pain. Completely avoid drinking alcohol during menstruation because it leads to dehydration. Avoid drinks containing caffeine also. If plain water is difficult for you to drink, you can add fruits or lemon in the plain water in order to make it more drinkable for you. 

3. Use heat: 

Apply a hot water bag or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen where you are feeling pain. You can also take a warm water bath, it will decrease the pain and relaxes the muscles. You can also get a massage on your abdomen and/or back.

4. Do exercise: 

Exercise is always good for health. Women who do regular exercise are less likely to have period pain than women who do not exercise. Exercise like stretching, aerobic, walking help prevent from monthly cramps. 

Yoga and meditation also help lessen the period pain. During menstruation, one feels fatigued, mood changes instantly, have stress. So, sufficient rest/sleep is must during menstruation. 

5. OTC (Over the counter) medication: 

Many women use OTC medication to relieve period pain because it is easily available and reduces the discomfort tentatively fast (maybe also women become dependent on medication). OTC medication for period cramps are anti prostaglandin which reduces cramping in the uterus, reduces the blood flow and relieve the pain and discomfort. Many of the women use Mefenamic acid 500 mg tablet to get relief from period pain. Some use pain killer which comes under NSAIDs (Non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen, naproxen, Acetaminophen. 

Article By: Nisha Joshi


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