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Showing posts from June, 2019

Official Minute for Signatory Approval in Bank Account

............................ प्रा. ली. संचालक समितिको बैठक यस ............... प्रा. ली. को अध्यक्ष श्री राम प्रधानको अध्यक्षतामा देहायको स्थान मिति र समयमा बस्यो । स्थानः कम्पनीको कार्यकक्ष । मितिः २०७५÷०२÷०२ समयः साँझ ५ः०० बजे उपस्थितिः १. राम प्रधान — अध्यक्ष २. हरिकला शर्मा — संञ्चालक ३. प्रितम आले — संञ्चालक ४. दिलमाया मगर — संञ्चालक बैठकका लागि प्रस्तावित विषयहरुः १. बैंकमा खाता सम्बालन गर्नै सम्बन्धमा । २. विविध । निर्णयहरुः १. प्रस्ताव नं. १ माथि छलफल गर्दा यस कम्पनिको नाममा ...... बैंक ली. मुख्य कार्यालयमा बैंक खाता खोली कम्पनीको अध्यक्ष श्री राम प्रधान र संञ्चालक श्री दिलमाया मगरको हस्ताक्षर चलाउने निर्णय गरियो । २. छलफलका निम्ति अन्य विषय नभएकाले अध्यक्ष ज्यूले आजको बैठक बिसर्जन गर्नु भयो ।

पुनहिल र घान्द्रुकको यात्रा संस्मरण

नेपाल प्राकृतिक सम्पदाको धनी देश हो । सानो मुलुक भएतापनि हिमालदेखि तराइसम्म पाइने विविधतापूर्ण हावापानीका कारण यहाँ विविधतापूर्ण प्राकृतिक वनस्पति, फूल, लहरा, जनावर, चराचुरुङ्गी साथै झरना, खोला, नदीनाला, पहाड, हिमाल आदि पाइन्छन् । यहाँको चालचलन, भेषभूषा, रितिरिवाज, परम्परा, धर्म, संस्कृति, जातजातिमा पनि विविधता छ ।  नेपाल प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यताले भरिपूर्ण भएको कारणले गर्दा पनि होला म नेपालप्रति धेरै झुकेकी छु ।  त्यसै कारणले गर्दा म फुर्सद मिलेसम्म नेपालका ठाउँहरु अन्वेषण गर्ने गर्छु । मलाई नेपालको हरेक ठाउँ घुम्ने इच्छा छ ।  घुम्न अति नै रुची भएको कारण मैले मेरो साथीहरुलाई म्याग्दी जिल्लामा पर्ने पुनहिल जाने प्रस्ताव एक महिना अगाडि नै राखेको थिएँ । सबैको घरमा बुबा आमाको अनुमति लिनका लागि समय लाग्ने भएको कारण पहिलेदेखि नै हामीले तयारी गर्दै थियौँ । ब्याच्लरस् सकिएपछिको समय जब म लगायत मेरो साथीहरु इनटर्नको लागि व्यस्त थियौँ, त्यति बेलाको समयमा हामी साथीहरु पुनहिल घुम्न जाने योजना बनायौँ ।  हाम्रो निर्धारित योजना अनुसार तिहार सकिए लगतै हामी ४ जना साथीहरु (म, पुष्पा, मनिका र जेन

A book review “ Karodau Kasturi”

As being a Nepali, I am so very fascinated with the Nepali literature. So, this year (2075) I made a New Year Resolution to read at least a book (Nepali) every month. I finished reading Khabuj by Benyamin ( translated by Dinesh Kafle), Seto Dharti by Amar Neupani, China Harayeko Manche and Hari Bahadur by Haribansa Acharya, Sallipir,Yaar,Lu and Chocolate by Nayan Raj Pandey, Juneli by Brajesh, Juino by Binita Baral, Summer Love, Monsoon and Katha ki Patra by Subin Bhattari, Karnali Blues and Firfire by Buddhi Sagar, Maha ko Ma by Madan Krishna Shrestha and so on. Last weekend I finished reading “Karodau Kasturi” by Madan Puraskar winning Author ‘Amar Neupane’. Though this book was with me from past few years, I could not manage time to read this one. So, last Friday I started reading this book. Karodau Kasturi is based on actor/comedian Haribansa Acharya. This novel is all of imagination, not the true story though, but reflects the truth of the society. The name of no

Six Health tips for Summer

1. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight: Apply sunscreen (SPF 30 or even higher) to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiations. It prevents sunburn, tans and enhances the health of the skin. You can also use umbrella, sun glass and/or hat to beat against heat. 2. Hydrate and hydrate throughout the day: Staying hydrated is essential during summer as it ensures that your body keeps functioning normally. If you don’t like drinking normal water, you can add salts and lemon juice or you can even go with sipping on herbal tea or you can have some fresh fruit juice but avoid soda and juices high in sugar. 3. Wear light-colored, light-weight and loose fitting clothes: They are best for promoting the absorption of sweat. They make you feel cool and comfortable because more air passes over your body. 4. Eat regularly, but eat light: Eat regularly because your body requires the nutrients to fight heat and keep you healthy. But avoid the
      मुस्कुराइरहने बन्दीपुर                                                                           निशा जोशी नेपालको अत्यन्त सुन्दर गाउँ मानिएको बन्दीपुर घुम्न जाने इच्छा हँुदाहँुदै पनि जान पाइएको थिएन । सौभाग्यवश साथीहरुको योजनाले गर्दा म पनि बन्दीपुर घुम्ने सूचीमा सामिल हुन पाएँ । तिहार मनाएर मेरो साथीहरु केही दिन कुश्मा घुम्ने र फर्कने बेला बन्दीपुर घुम्दै काठमाण्डौ फर्कने भनेर योजना बनाएका थिए । साथीहरुलाई कुश्मामा अवस्थित रमणीय, सांस्कृतिक र ऐतिहासिक स्थलहरुको भ्रमण गराएँ । चार दिन कुश्माको स्थलगत भ्रमण गराएपछि बन्दीपुर जाने दिन आयो । आफ्नो इच्छा पुरा गर्न गइरहेकोमा आफूलाई एकदम भाग्यशाली मान्दै थिएँ । बिहान सबेरै उठेर हामी कुश्मा हुँदै डुम्रेसम्म बसको यात्रा सुरु ग¥यौं । करिब दुइ घण्टाको यात्रा पछि हामी डुम्रे बजारमा पुग्यौं । डुम्रेबाट बन्दीपुर ८ किलोमिटरको दुरीमा रहेछ । बन्दीपुरजाने लोकल गाडीहरु आधी घण्टाको अन्तरालमा आउने व्यवस्था रहेछ तर भाडामा ट्याक्सी रिजर्भ गरेर पनि जान सकिने सुविधा उपलब्ध रहेछ । हामी भने लोकल गाडीलाई नै कुर्ने निर्णय ग¥यौं । लोकल गाड

Money Demand and its determinants in Nepal

1.1 Introduction According to Keynesian money demand theory considers money as a store in value in addition to a medium of exchange. The store in value function of money signifies that money is an asset in which a person can hold wealth i.e. money is a part of wealth. Keynes combined all assets that were alternatives to money into one category, which he terms ‘bond’. According to him, people either hold money in cash or purchase bonds. Selling or purchasing of bonds depends on the market rate of interest. Thus Keynes introduced a new demand function in which demand for money depends on the market rate of interest. This is popularly known as speculative demand for money. On the other hand, he also believes classical money demand function and he says that people hold money for three motives. They are:   Transaction motive Precautionary motive Speculative motive 1. Transaction demand for money The first motive Keynes considered was transaction motive. According to this motiv

A short report on Fiscal federalism ( Nepal)

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Fiscal federalism is the study of how expenditure side and revenue side are allocated across different layers of the administration. It is concerned with understanding which functions and instruments are best centralized and which are best placed in the sphere of decentralized levels of government. It constitutes a set of guiding relations between the national and sub-national (vertical) levels of the government. The concepts of fiscal federalism are related to vertical and horizontal fiscal relations. In the case of Nepal, provincial governments also would be required to increase economic growth and the per capita incomes of their citizens. In the traditional theory of fiscal federalism (e.g. Oates, 1999), the three main areas are (a) welfare gains from decentralization; (b) assignment of resources and responsibilities between different tiers of government; and (c) fiscal instruments for the resolution of vertical and horizontal i