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A book review “ Karodau Kasturi”

As being a Nepali, I am so very fascinated with the Nepali literature. So, this year (2075) I made a New Year Resolution to read at least a book (Nepali) every month. I finished reading Khabuj by Benyamin ( translated by Dinesh Kafle), Seto Dharti by Amar Neupani, China Harayeko Manche and Hari Bahadur by Haribansa Acharya, Sallipir,Yaar,Lu and Chocolate by Nayan Raj Pandey, Juneli by Brajesh, Juino by Binita Baral, Summer Love, Monsoon and Katha ki Patra by Subin Bhattari, Karnali Blues and Firfire by Buddhi Sagar, Maha ko Ma by Madan Krishna Shrestha and so on.

Last weekend I finished reading “Karodau Kasturi” by Madan Puraskar winning Author ‘Amar Neupane’. Though this book was with me from past few years, I could not manage time to read this one. So, last Friday I started reading this book.

Karodau Kasturi is based on actor/comedian Haribansa Acharya. This novel is all of imagination, not the true story though, but reflects the truth of the society. The name of novel “Karodau Kasturi” totally justifies the theme of the story.

The main character or ‘say’ victim in this novel is Haribansa Acharya. He is not that interested in studying. More than that, caricature drives his heart more. He used to do caricature of every of his teachers, friends, relatives and even animals. But the pressure from family and the dream that his father dreamt for him as seeing him as doctor makes him dull. Due to the extreme pressure, he himself has to shut the door towards his interest and love towards acting and caricature. He struggles to study and to pass the examination in more than one try. Because of his fathers’ dream he studied upto Grade 10 and passes SLC too. Then, his father let him join intermediate in Science so to make him doctor. After trying a year, he gave up that subject and joined Arts which he thought would be easy than Science. 

Slowly and gradually after years of hard work he passed Masters’ degree too. But at the end, where he was about to be a doctor (after studying PhD) he finds all his efforts useless. He does not do what he wants, and keeps consciously following what others wants him to do all these years of his life. Turning back at all the paths he passed through, in the bumping roads of life, he feels intense pain. The pain becomes so unbearable to him and he finally decide to commit suicide at the end.

This novel is an eye opening novel to each and every people around the world who thinks only good educational degree leads to prosperous and happy life. We, each may have heard similar stories and may have been victim too. This kind of misconcepts should be eliminated and each child should be given the freedom. Freedom to take own decision. Freedom to choose own career. Freedom to study the subject they want. Freedom to explore their interest. Freedom to follow their dreams. Karodau Kasturi is a very beautifully portrayed novel. It surely helps those people who are afraid to follow their dreams, whose wings are cut off before they try flying and whose wishes are only on the wishlist of paper. Let everyone find the fragrance that is within them.

Book Reviewed By: Nisha Joshi

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