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जीवन काँडाकी फूल पढेर हेर्दा

काँडैकाँडाको बाटोमा हिँडेर पनि कति राम्रो फूल फुल्यो । त्यो काँडैकाँडाको भन्ज्याङबाट कसरी त्यो आत्मा हिँड्यो होला, म कल्पना गर्न पनि सक्दिन । त्यो कष्ट, त्यो पीडा, त्यो आशा, त्यो भावना नभएको भए उनी पहिल्यै यो संसारबाट विचलित भएर बिदा भएकी हुन्थिन् होला । उसको त्यो जागरुक स्वभाव, आमाबुबाको पिटाइ, धर्तीमाता र उसको आत्मबलले उनी यहाँ सम्म आइन् उनको त्यो साहसको म प्रशंसा गरेर ताली बजाउँछु । म कुरा गर्दै छु त्यो प्रतिभा जसले जीवनमा कष्ट गरेर भएपनि जीवनलाई सुन्दर देख्यो, त्यो प्रतिभा जसले गर्दा अपाङ्गको जीवन सार्थक बनायो । हो, त्यो प्रतिभा झमक कुमारी धिमिरे हुन् ।  मैले उनको आत्मजीवनीपरक निबन्ध “जीवन काँडाकी फूल” पढें । मलाई त्यो निबन्धले अत्यन्तै छोयो । मैले आफूलाई उनको ठाउँमा राखेर पनि हेरें तर म उनको ठाउँमा भएको भए अहिले सम्म जीवित त पक्कै हँुदिनथें र उनले गरे जति परिश्रम त कहिल्यै गर्थें भन्ने त सोच्न नि सक्दिन । निबन्ध पढ्दा उनको त्यो कहालिलाग्दो जीवन देख्दा , आफूले अनुभव गर्दा कति पीडामा डुबें । झमकलाई कति पीडा भयो होला, आफ्नो आमाबुबाले त्यतिसम्म पिट्दा, आफूले लेख्न सिक...

रारा यात्रा

निशा जोशी  पश्चिममा महाकालीसम्म फैलिएको नेपाल भन्ने सुनेको भएतापनि महाकाली पुग्ने अवसर प्राप्त भएको थिएन । २०७४ सालको वैशाखमा मन मिल्ने साथी काजोलको निम्तोमा सुदुरपश्चिमको महेन्द्रनगर जाने मौका मिल्यो । महेन्द्रनगर राम्रोसँग घुम्न नपाउदैं काजोलको कामका कारण टिकापुर हँुदै जानुपर्ने भयो । मेरो लागि त त्यो खुशीको कुरा थियो, किनकी सुन्दर छ भन्ने सुनेको टिकापुर पनि घुम्ने अवसर बोनसमा पाउँदै थिए । पहिलो दिनः महेन्द्रनगर– कर्णाली ब्रिज–टिकापुर हामी महेन्द्रनगरबाट चिसापानी हुँदै टिकापुर जाने योजना सहित २ बजे महेन्द्रनगरबाट चिसापानी जाने गाडीमा चढ्यौं । चिसापानी जानुको उद्देश्य प्राविधिक र सौन्दर्यताको दृष्टिले आकर्षक कर्णाली पुल घुम्ने थियो । जापान सरकारले चिसापानीमा कर्णाली पुलको निर्माण गरेको रहेछ, जुन कैलाली र बर्दिया जिल्लाको सिमानालाई जोड्छ । यो तार पुल  (cable-stayed bridge)    हो जसको बिचमा ठूलो खम्बा छ र त्यसमा स्टीलको तारहरु बाँधेर ट्रसलाई अड्याइएको छ । यो पुलको लम्बाई ५०० मिटर , चौडाई १० मिटर र बिचको खम्बाको एक भाग तिर ३२५ मिटर तथा अर्काे भाग त...

My best person

You never thought of yourself as a single woman, instead, you represent yourself as the representative of a nation. You are pure as crystal. You are innocent. You are courageous. You encourage me on every ladder of my life. You are a god to me. You are a boon for this earth. You are a mother of mine. You are the mother of a nation. You are the mother of this whole universe. You are the world’s everything for me. I never knew the feelings of you nor I would be able to know too. I am so proud of myself because I have got you in my life as my mother. I am selfish for your love because you not only love me but love all the children of this world. In a bird’s eye view, the care you showed and the love you do are ever ending. You let me to see this world, know the people and feel the love. You transformed me into the young person from the baby. You helped me walk by catching my hands. You are the sunshine of my life. You never set from my life. Even though we may separate fa...

10 Health Tips for Healthy Living

1. Drink plenty of water: Hydrate your body every once in a while. Drink at least 2 liters of water once a day instead of sugary drinks like soda, energy drinks or other calorie-containing drinks. It increases your physical performance. Your body can function effectively. It boosts skin health and beauty. It helps to maintain your blood pressure, relieves from kidney stones and keeps your digestive system normal.  2. Eat healthy: Eat vegetables which contain fiber and plenty of nutrients. Choose green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free diet over oily, calorie-containing and junk foods.  3. Exercise regularly: Exercise helps you relieve stress, maintain proper body weight, decreases the risk of developing various diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, type-2 diabetes, anxiety, stroke, arthritis, etc. Regular exercise freshens up your mood, build confidence and self- esteem. It helps you sleep well and boost energ...

15 most visited places near and around Kathmandu Valley

1.     Kulekhani: We city people want to skip the city noise and have some peace at least once a week or a month. Likewise, Kulekhani is one of the peaceful and beautiful place where you can have a perfect day or a two. Kulekhani is one of the nearest destination from Kathmandu valley where you can have lots of things to see and experience. You can even hike from Kathmandu if you are a hiking person. Attractions of Kulekhani are: Kulekhani dam: also called Indrasarowar taal where you can enjoy boating and freshen up by the view around. If you are going to stay, you can find a good homestay or stay at Chitlang organic resort . Both are best options; you can choose where you want. They serve good foods. You can enjoy the camp fire and music along. Sheep farming is pleasing to watch. This place is also popular for the cheese and Naspati wine. So, when you are here don’t forget to try them. 2. ...