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10 Health Tips for Healthy Living

1. Drink plenty of water: Hydrate your body every once in a while. Drink at least 2 liters of water once a day instead of sugary drinks like soda, energy drinks or other calorie-containing drinks. It increases your physical performance. Your body can function effectively. It boosts skin health and beauty. It helps to maintain your blood pressure, relieves from kidney stones and keeps your digestive system normal. 

2. Eat healthy: Eat vegetables which contain fiber and plenty of nutrients. Choose green vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free diet over oily, calorie-containing and junk foods. 

3. Exercise regularly: Exercise helps you relieve stress, maintain proper body weight, decreases the risk of developing various diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, type-2 diabetes, anxiety, stroke, arthritis, etc. Regular exercise freshens up your mood, build confidence and self- esteem. It helps you sleep well and boost energy. You can also do yoga, meditation, and walk whenever possible. 

4. Stay away from technology like Television, computer, mobile minimum one hour before sleeping. It helps you sleep well, increases concentration, helps to plan for the next day accordingly and wrap how the present-day went. It focuses on your goals and ambition. 

5. Read books, articles, newspaper which helps you reduce depression, anxiety, and stress. It increases your creativity, thinking capacity and broaden your memory power. Add at least one book in your bag wherever you go, if you got the spare time you can start reading. It also makes you occupied and blocks the negative thoughts to enter your mind. 

6. Be optimistic: Always try on being an optimist and avoid the negative energy aside. Being optimistic encourages you to do any task, solve the problems wisely and calm your mind and body in whichever situation you are. For a healthy living, optimism is very necessary. Negative energy won’t let you have a healthy living. 

7. Separate “ME” time once a week: You are always busy with your life doing your job, study or anything that makes you occupied. But, once a week you need to separate time for yourself. This “ME” time once a week benefits you in many ways like you will know your interest, you will know how to tackle with the problems, relieves your burden and pressures of all the long week, helps you discover ideas and increases creativity and live a happier and healthier life. 

8. Always maintain your personal hygiene: Some of the essential personal hygiene that one needs to follow are bathing regularly, brushing teeth after every meal, trimming nails, washing hands before eating food, after going to toilet, after coughing or sneezing, after handling wastage, after returning to home from outside, etc.; sleeping for 6-8 hours a night, maintaining dental issues in time, cleaning your home regularly, changing clean clothes once a day, wearing loose clothes while sleeping, getting regular health check-ups and so on. Maintaining personal hygiene ultimately makes your living healthy. 

9. Plan to skip the city bustle once a week or a month: Get away from the city and live in nature, breathe the fresh air, green nature and clean environment. This keeps your mind clean, fresh and flushes your negative thoughts. This makes you feel the better you. It is not necessarily being a far place to skip the city bustle, you can go to nearby monasteries, temples, parks or you can go to nearby resorts because nowadays resorts are more beautiful and environment friendly or you can go hiking.

10. Love yourself first: If you want a healthy life, you must love yourself first. If you do not have a positive feeling, positive motivation and positive attitude for yourself then you can’t have a better living. Loving yourself can be pampering yourself with good food, nice movie, shopping, buying books or traveling to different places, doing adventures, cooking or anything that makes you and your soul happy and peaceful.

Article By : Nisha Joshi

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