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Personality and Values

Personality and Values


1.    How do personality traits affect employees’ behavior at workplace?

Answer: Personality is a characteristic way of thinking, perceiving and behaving which embraces moods, attitudes, opinions and is mostly expressed in interactions with other people. It consists of behavioral characteristics that are both inherent and acquired which differentiate one person from another.

Personality traits affects all aspects of an employee behavior at workplace. Not every personality is suited for every job position, so it is important to recognize personality traits and pair employees with the duties which fit their personality traits and pair employees with the duties which fit their personalities the best. Doing so, can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction which help the organization function effectively and efficiently.

The Big Five Model of Personality Dimensions explains on how personality traits affects employee behavior at workplace.

The Big Five Model is a psychology based assessment that focuses on Five category that describe personality. It includes: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability and Openness to experience.

a.    Extraversion: Having a high in extraversion mean he/she likes and enjoy meeting new people and getting them into gatherings and conversions. They tend to make friends easily and have a large group of friends. They are also called extroverts. People who are low in extraversion are also called introverts. They do not like to be sociable, they avoid small talk and being at the center of attraction. They prefer being conserved and feels happy working inside the organization where one need no more communication.

b.    Agreeableness: People high in agreeableness show a genuine concern for other. They feel happy and satisfied helping others in need and feeling empathy for the struggles of other. While, people low in agreeableness show a negative/ rude behavior towards others or even use manipulation to put their own needs above anyone else.

c.    Conscientiousness: People high in Conscientiousness are good at planning for future, they like organizing details and they meet every deadline. They are also mindful of others and understands how their decisions and actions can influence the people around them. People who are low in conscientiousness fail to complete the given tasks, they are irresponsible, they tend to walk away from the work and live an unorganized life.

d.    Emotional Stability: Emotional stability is also called Neuroticism. This relates to one’s emotional stability and degree of negative emotions. People high in neuroticism often experience emotional instability and negative emotions. They tend to be very moody, stressed and depressed. People low in neuroticism tend to be emotionally stable, they are calm, self-confident, secure under pressure and do not allow stress giver to effect their mood.

e.    Openness to experience: People high in openness are creative thinkers, imaginative, artistic and sensitive. They enjoy taking on new activities and challenges. People low in openness tend to be less imaginative, lazy and have no interest on doing anything.

2.    Describe Hofstede’s framework for assessing culture.

Answer: The Hofstede’s cultural dimensions’ theory was developed by Geert Hofstede. It is a framework used to understand the difference in culture across the countries and to distinguish the ways that business is done across different cultures.

Hofstede identified six categories that define culture. They are :

a.    Power distance Index

b.    Individualism vs Collectivism

c.    Uncertainty Avoidance Index

d.    Masculinity vs Femininity

e.    Long term vs Short term orientation

f.     Indulgence vs Restraint

a.    Power distance Index: The power distance index is the extend to which inequality and power are tolerated. High power distance index mean that a culture accepts inequality and power differences, encourages bureaucracy and shows high respects for rank and authority. Low power distance index mean that a culture encourages organizational structures that are flat, decentralized decision- making responsibility and people strives to equalize the distribution of power.

b.    Individualism vs Collectivism: This dimension considers the degree to which societies are integrated into groups and their perceived obligation and dependence on groups. 

Individualism indicated that there is a greater importance on attaining the personal goals. A person’s self image in this category is defined as “I”. Having high individualism indicates weak interpersonal connection among those who are not the part of a core family.

Collectivism indicates that there is a greater importance on the goals and well-being of the group. People are loyal to the group to which they belong. A person’s self image in this category is defined as “We”. 

c.    Uncertainty Avoidance Index: This dimension indicates the degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity. High uncertainty avoidance index indicates a low tolerance for uncertainty, ambiguity and risk taking. Low uncertainty avoidance index indicates a high tolerance for uncertainty, ambiguity and risk taking. 

d.    Masculinity vs Femininity: This dimension is also referred as “ Tough vs Tender” and considers the preference of society for achievement, attitude towards sexuality equality, behavior, etc.

Masculinity has various characteristics like distant gender roles, assertive and concentrated on material achievements and wealth building.

Femininity has various characteristics like cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life. 

e.    Long term vs short term orientation: This dimension refers to the time horizon people in a society display.  Long term orientation shows focus on the future and involves delaying short term success or gratification in order to achieve long term success. It focuses on persistence, perseverance and long term growth. Short term orientation shows focus on the short term success and places a stronger emphasis on the present than future. It focuses on quick result and respect for tradition.

f.     Indulgence vs Restraint: This dimension considers the extent and tendency for a society to fulfill its desires. Indulgence shows that a society allows relatively free gratification related to enjoying life and having fun. Restraint shows that a society suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it through social norms. 

3.    What factors determine personality? 

Answer: Personality is a characteristic way of thinking, perceiving and behaving which embraces moods, attitudes, opinions and is mostly expressed in interactions with other people. It consists of behavioral characteristics that are both inherent and acquired which differentiate one person from another.

The factors that determine personality are:

a.    Biological factors

b.    Cultural factors

c.    Social factors

d.    Situational factors

a.    Biological factors: It consists of Brain, Physical factors and Heredity. Brain is one of the most important factor that determine personality. It is believed that father and child adopt almost same type of brain stimulation. Later differences are the result of the environment/ surrounding in which the child has grown. Physical factors may involve the height of a person, his/her color, his/her health status and his/her beauty. These factors are involved when interacting with any other person and thus contribute in the personality development in many ways. Heredity also determine the personality. This factor not only affect the physical features of a person but also intelligence level, gender, energy, quality, diseases, etc.

b.    Cultural factors: The culture which we live in involves many traditional practices, norms, customs, values, etc. that are all important factor for determining personality.

c.    Social factors: Social experiences play a vital role in determining personality. The society that we live, the cultural environment that we face everyday, the community we are living with are all included in this factor. Cooperation, coordination, relationships, organizations, workplace, communities, societies all contribute in determining the personality of a person.

Situational factors: Though this factor do not actually determine the person’s personality but alter a person’s behavior and response from time to time. This factor can be observed in a person when he/she behaves contrastingly and exhibits different traits and characteristics.

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