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Project Planning

A schedule prepared at present to achieve the present to achieve the predetermined targets in future is called planning. It reduces the uncertainties. It is the primary function of management. Infact it is the process of setting projects goals and helps to achieve specific goal. It identifies all key project tasks to be accomplished. It prepares detail schedules and then schedule are used for procuring equipment, materials, organizing the required resources, sequencing and measuring task performance.

Types of project planning:

i. Strategic planning

ii. Tactical planning and

iii. Operational planning

A road map which manages project is called the project planning. It teaches about how to achieve project goals. It includes the detailed design, schedule constitution, distribution of resources, etc. of the project a predetermined schedule about what is to be done, how to do, why to do, when to do, who does it, how much to do, by whom to be done, etc. in order to achieve the target/ obj in future is known as project planning.

Reasons for project planning:

- To reduce risk and uncertainty

- To improve efficiency

- To arrange the limited resources

- To determine standard performance evaluation and control

- To establish and obtain understanding of project, objectives and constraints

- To minimize the waste

- To achieve objective/ targets

Project proposal is the set of document submitted for evaluation of project. It is the blue print of the project activities. It assures the customers that it can satisfy the customers needs. Project Proposal is the main document of project for acceptance of project. It includes financial, technical, managerial, economic, inventor mental analysis to study of project for its approval or acceptance.

Preparation of project proposal should consider the following factors seriously/ Considerations:

Project problem: The project problem for which the proposal is to be prepared, should be carefully considered.

Organization and staffing for implementation: Project team, division of roles and responsibility, delegation of authority should be clearly defined, professional people should handle the job.

Costing estimates:
The cost of project and declaration of customer’s ability to pay should be estimated.

Cost of proposal: The cost incurs for developing project proposal.

Procedures of developing project proposal:

On the basis of quality of the proposal, projects are selected. So, project proposal should be prepared professionally. It is a process; which involves different steps as follows:

1. Project Brief

2. Prefeasibility study

3. Preliminary Design

4. Proposed Development

1. Project Brief (statement of work i.e. SOW) : 

It is the starting point of the project proposal . Project brief is the detail of project. It is the summary of all the facts about the projects. It describes about all stakeholders and their expectation. It includes:

- Need of the project

- Scope of the project

- Objective and output of the projects

- Budget and constraints (time table and deadlines)

2. Prefeasibility study:

(It is not the detail study). It is the preliminary study of the project about its chances of implementation. It includes/ covers;

i. Technical analysis:
Level of technology required for a project is determined. It also analyzes the alternative solution.

ii. Financial analysis: It is the analysis of capital requirements of project. It is required for estimating cost of project.

iii. Economic analysis:
It studies the net contribution of project to the economy and the society.

iv. Environmental analysis: It is the analysis of impact of project to the environment.

v. Marketing analysis: It analyzes project capacity, marketing demand, sales forecast, revenue generation and competition.

vi. Management analysis:
It is the analysis of HR requirement for the project

3. Preliminary design: 

Preliminary design is the explanation of project idea based on the requirements of prefeasibility study. It helps for developing preliminary working schedule as well as planning for implementation. It includes:

- Technical aspects consisting of preliminary surveys and engineering design.

- Preliminary project schedule and implementation plan.

- Estimated project costs.

4. Proposal development: Finally, proposal is developed. It includes/ contains following information:

- Project objectives & outputs: These are identified.

- Project activities: Work schedule about who will do, when will be done, how will be done, etc. is proposed.

- Project implementation: Project organization, parties involves, implementation strategy are proposed.

- Project schedule: Work schedule in prepared with bar graph, pie chart or other.

- Project budget: cost is estimated

- Project monitoring & evaluation: it includes those techniques

In this way, the project proposal can be developed.

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