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1.    What is the importance of interpersonal skills?

 Answer: Interpersonal skills are the skills of people’s skills which people use while communicating and collaborating with one another. Interpersonal skills are those abilities people acquire through the experiences and day to day life activities.

Some of the good interpersonal skills includes are collaboration, active listening, problem solving, empathy, patience, leadership, adaptability, etc. It is important  in each and every phase of our life. 

Below is the importance of interpersonal skills:

a.    It helps to understand and know other people.

b.    It helps to motivate and encourage other people.

c.    It helps to exchange the information, ideas and feelings between two or more people more efficiently.

d.    It helps to watch and react accordingly by just looking over non-verbal cues.

e.    It helps to find the solution of problems easily.

f.     It helps to find the solution of problems easily.

g.    It enriches the ability to work well in a tea, or group or other people.

h.    It enlightens how confident and courageous you are.

i.      It helps you to become a leader, a successor and a strong communicator.

j.      It generates positive attitude towards yourself and other.

k.    It helps you to penetrate in the changing environment more easily

There are so many importance of interpersonal skills, of all some are mentioned above. Interpersonal skills are very important to each on of us.


2.    What do managers do in terms of functions, roles and skills?

Answer: Manager is a person who directly support, supervise more than one people within the organization and help activate the work efforts and performance accomplishment of the all level of employees/ staffs below him/her. 

Managers do following in terms of Function:

The main function of manager is planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

i.              Planning: Planning is the first tool of the function of the manager. The capacity and knowledge of manager through how the planning procedure is.

The steps of planning are:

-       Develop the goal.

-       Develop the tasks to meet these goal.

-       Determine the resources that are required to implement the tasks.

-       Create a time boundary.

-       Determine the assessment method.

-       Finalize the plan.

-       And distribute the plan to all involved in the process. 

Manager should make the concrete plan and act accordingly.

ii.            Organizing: It is the second tool of the function of the manager. In this function, manager should organize all the required resources well before implementing the plan. It is the process of arranging and structuring work to accomplish the goals.

iii.           Leading: It is the process of implementing the plan by activating the employees through communication, motivation, leadership and supervision inorder to achieve the set objective.

iv.           Controlling: In this step, manager monitor the activities of the employee to ensure that they are doing according to the established plan, compare the activities with the pre-set standards and take corrective action for the deviation.

Managers do following in terms of roles:

The manager is like a tree; he has many branches i.e. he has many roles to fulfill. He is not only a team leader but also a planner, organizer, controller, problem solver, motivator, decision maker, etc. According to Henry Mintzberg there are 10 kinds of specific roles of manager which are listed below:

a.    Interpersonal roles: This role provide information and ideas.

-       Figurehead: This explains that manager has social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities. He is a inspiration to his employees.

-       Leader: Manager is a leader, he provides leadership for his team and the whole organization.

-       Liaison: Manager on the behalf of his organization should able to communicate with internal and external contacts effectively.

b.    Informational roles: This role involve processing information.

-       Monitor: Manager monitors his team for their productivity and well- being.

-       Disseminator: Manager provide useful information to his colleagues and his team when needed.

-       Spokesperson: Manager is someone who help the organization to flourish or destroy. So, he is responsible for transmitting information about his organization about his organization and its goals to the people outside it. 

c.    Decisional roles: This role involves using information.

-       Entrepreneur: Manager is one who create and control the change in the organization. It have to solve the problem, generate new ideas and implement them when required.

-       Disturbance Handler: Manager have to take charge when an organization or team hits an unexpected path.

-       Resource allocator: Manager should determine where the resources are best used in the organizational task.

-       Negotiator: Manager may need to take part in and direct, important negotiation with his team or department or organization. 

Managers do following in terms of skills: 

The required important skills of manager are given below:

a.    Technical skills: Manager require technical skills to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work/ task being done in the organization.

b.    Human skills: Manager should have human skills in order to interact with people both inside and outside the organization. He also need human skills to motivate his team, to work with suppliers, customers, investors and other outside of organization.

c.    Conceptual skills: It is the ability of manager to think in the abstract. Manager should understand the overall working of the organization and its environment and think strategically and make the right decision that serve overall organization.


3.    Why is it important to complement intuition with systematic study?

Answer: Intuition is the ability to have a hold on a situation or information without the need for conscious reasoning. It is a “gut feelings”, individual observation and a common sense. Whereas, Systematic study is based on scientific evidence, facts, figures, data gathered under controlled conditions and measured in a reasonably rigorous manner.

It is important to complement intuition with systematic study because without the implementation of systematic study, the use of intuition with result errorness prediction. Intuition along with systematic study helps to bring the possible accurate predictions.


4.    Explain the OB Model covering the three levels of analysis. 

Answer: The OB Model that covers the three levels of analysis are:

a.    Individual level: At the individual level of analysis, OB studies the individual behavior and characteristics of employees as well as thought processes that are attributed to them like motivation, personalities, attitudes, perception, learning, belief and values. At this level, OB draws heavily upon psychology, engineering and medicine.

b.    Group level: At the group level of analysis, OB involves the study of how group interacts with each other, how they work, what types of tasks the groups are preforming, how does leadership influence to the group, etc. At this level, OB draws sociological and socio-psychological sciences.

c.    Organization system level: At the organization system level of analysis, OB involves the study of organization culture, structure, cultural diversity, inter-organizational cooperation and conflict, change, technology and external environmental forces. At this level, OB draws upon anthropology and political science.


5.    Explain the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB. 

Answer: The major behavioral science disciplines that contribute OB are as follows:  

i.              Psychology: It is the science that measure, explain and sometimes change the behavior of human and other animals.

This area of study contributes to OB are:

-       Learning, personality, emotions, motivation, perception

-       Training, leadership effectiveness, job satisfaction

-       Individual decision making, performance appraisal, attitude measurement

-       Employee selection, work design and work stress


ii.            Social Psychology: This discipline blends both the concepts from psychology and sociology i.e. it focuses on the influence of the people on the another.

This area of study contributes to OB as:

-       Behavioral change

-       Attitude change

-       Communication

-       Group processes

-       Group decision making

iii.           Sociology: It studies the relationship between individuals and their environment. It studies the impact of culture on group behavior.

The major contribution areas of sociology are group dynamics, communication, power, conflicts, culture, norms, roles, studies, socialization, etc. 

iv.           Anthropology: It studies society to learn about human being and their activities. It helps in understanding the difference between different groups in terms of their values, attitudes and behaviors.


6.    Why the study of OB is essential for all managers? Explain with its managerial implications. 

Answers: The study of OB is essential for all managers because:

a.    OB helps the managers to understand the relationship between an organization and its employee.

b.    With the knowledge of OB, manager know the effective utilization of Human resources.

c.    Managers to better understand their employee OB helps and motivate them.

d.    OB helps in understanding the cause of problem, predict the future and control the consequences.

e.    It helps to predict human behavior.

f.     OB helps in enhancing managerial skills.

g.    It helps empowering people and create a positive working environment.

h.    It creates an ethically healthy work environment.

i.      It helps in valuing work force diversity.


7.    What are the emerging trends in OB and how these trends offer opportunities or pose threats to the managers in Nepal. 

Answer: The emerging trends in organizational behavior are:

a.    Globalization

b.    Emerging employment relationship

c.    Changing workforce

d.    Knowledge management

e.    Information technology

a.    Globalization: In recent days, organization has changed the style of working and tries to spread worldwide i.e. becoming global. The way organization integrate their business practices with other countries has also changed. Instead of controlling the supply chain countries outsource some part of it to gain advantage of specialization. Globalization is both opportunity and threats to the managers in Nepal. As an opportunity and threats to the managers in Nepal. As an opportunity: Manager can expand their business in other country also as well as his business which explore the international market. As a threat: Manager have to think precisely about their national market inorder not to destroy its national market.

b.    Emerging employment relationship: Changing trends in organizations in recent years have made it important to consider some of the emerging employee relations issues which can affect employers in the coming decade. Understanding these issues will help management to plan better and respond to changes in the organization. Management now has entered the upward communication and participation of lower level employees in the decision making process.

c.    Changing workforce: The demographic of the workforce has changed in the recent years due to the factors like aging population, labor shortages, immigration and changes in the attitudes of workers. So, employers may have to take on less skilled workers initially and develop them, rather than hiring experienced people. One can hire employee from overseas also.

d.    Knowledge management: It is a structured activity that improves an organization’s capacity to acquire, share and utilize knowledge for its survival and success. Decision we make and action we take both are enabled by knowledge of some type. Hence, to improve quality of these actions and decisions is important to understand the process of knowledge management.


e.    Information technology: The prominence of IT has grown many folds in recent years. The innovation in IT has opened new ways for conducting business that are different from the past. Frequent sessions to change management can help employees understand, use and adopt new technologies easily. 

8.    OB system has input-processing-output and feedback components. Explain. 

Answer: Organization behavior system consists of following interacting and interrelated components:

a.    Input: It provides stimulus to behavior. It consists of various variables at individual, group and organization level. They can be:

- Individual variables which relates to individual differences in employees. It can be personal characteristics like age, gender and marital status, values, attitudes, etc.

- Group variables: It is concerned with role, status, norms, size, composition and cohesiveness.

- Organization system variable: It is concerned with the structure and working culture of an organization. 

b.    Processing: It is concerned with adding value to the input. The processing to OB system are:

-       Individual level processing: Perception, learning, motivation, decision making.

-       Group level processing: Communication, leadership, power and politics, conflicts, team work.

-       Organization system level processing: HR policies and practices, organizational development.

c.    Output: Outputs are the behavioral consequences. It is concerned with job satisfaction, organizational citizenship, higher productivity and low turnover.

d.    Feedback: It provides information to redesign OB inputs and processing to achieve the desired behavioral consequences in the system.




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