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Bella’s: a case study in organizational behavior

Case Study:


Bella’s: a case study in organizational behavior


1. Given your understanding of job satisfaction and employee engagement, discuss/ describe why each is important in organizational setting? (Note: in addition to your text and class discussions, additional resources that might be useful are listed following the questions).

Answer: Job satisfaction is a positive emotional response with the job where employee enjoy their job but not necessarily being engaged with it. A satisfied employee helps in the growth of the organization so; job satisfaction is important in every organization.

Some of the factors influencing job satisfaction are:

a.     Promotion

b.    Pay rates, rewards, incentives

c.     Company policies

d.    Tenure

e.     Working environment

f.      Freedom at work

g.     Age, etc.

Employee engagement is a positive/ negative emotional attachment with a job where employees are committed to helping their organization achieve all of their goals. Although employee may not be satisfied with their job, but they will help their organization achieve all their goals. Employees who are engaged with their job are motivated to show up to work everyday and do everything within their power and reach to help their organization succeed.

Factors contributing to Employee Engagement:

a.     Career Development Opportunities

b.    Motivation and inspiration

c.     Good working environment

d.    Employee recognition

e.     Rewards, promotion, incentives

f.      Flexible working environment, etc.


Job satisfaction is important in organizational settings because of the following reasons:

a.     Job satisfaction increases the higher productivity in the organization

b.    Satisfied employee will lead to higher sales and higher profits.

c.     With high employee job satisfaction there increases the high customer satisfaction.

d.    Job satisfaction decreases the employee absenteeism

e.     Satisfied employee tends to work under pressure

f.      Employees perform better in the organization if they are satisfied with their job.

g.     There will be retention of quality and expert employee and higher level management will not have pressure to find the new qualified employee.

h.    Satisfied employees are loyal towards their organization and they stick to their organization even in the worst situation.

i.       Job satisfaction of employee will create positive working environment.

j.       Satisfied employees will help the organization for their success and growth.

k.    Reputation of the organization among the public will increase.

Employee engagement is important in the organizational setting because of the following reasons:

a.     Employee engagement reduces the employee turnover

b.    It helps to retain customers at a higher rate

c.     Engaged employee help to improve productivity and efficiency of the organization.

d.    It leads to higher profits

e.     Engaged employee enhances the company culture

f.      There will be fewer safety incidents with the engaged employee

g.     Engaged employee help create the better workplace

h.    Engaged employee are positive and have interesting things to say about where they work.

i.       Engaged employee communicate better with their coworkers, leaders and customers

j.       Engaged employees are creative, they come up with innovation that are helpful in their organization.

2.Discuss/ offer insights regarding the results of employee survey. As you study the results, what stands out? What conclusions can you draw?

Answer: The results of the employee survey according to my opinion are:

a.     Only a few employees are satisfied who are at a higher position in the job.

b.    Most of the employees are not satisfied with their job because their owner interferes in the work without knowing the whole scenario completely.

c.     Most of the employees are not satisfied with the owner operational decisions

d.    Employee engagement is very low because they are not getting any motivation to work

e.     Employee are satisfied with their coworkers. This case study states that the major cause of employee dissatisfaction was Ill’s management. Thus, it is seen that the coordination among the employees is not disturbed and they are working as a good team.

Conclusions that I drew after reading the case are given below:

a.     To make employee feel positive and increase job satisfaction towards their organization and their owner, the owner of the organization should change the organization policy which favors the employees too.

b.    The employees should be treated well.

c.     The ideas and creativity of employee should be valued.

d.    Employee should be given rewards and incentives according to their performance.

e.     Owner and General Manager should ask the employee for their opinion regarding any decision making.

f.      All the managers at various level must be involved in decision making apart from General manager and the owner.

g.     Owner/ Manager should make the working environment favorable to their employee.

h.    Owner/ Manager should motivate their employee by doing various programs.

3.Offer general suggestions/ recommendations to Kris Jenkins regarding how to improve job satisfaction and employee engagement of Bella’s workforce. Be sure to distinguish among jobs when making these suggestions and recommendations.

Answer: Given are the general suggestions to Kris Jenkins regarding on how to improve the job satisfaction and employee engagement of Bella’s workforce:

a.     Providing Promotional Opportunities to employees: This case study has clearly described that employees are not satisfied with their job, the facilities and the services given to them. There is lack of motivation due to which there is employee turnover and higher absenteeism. So, providing promotional opportunities at the organization like promotion on the basis of performance, work activities or experiences, etc. help motivate the employees.

b.    Improving the employee incentives will encourage them to work harder and they will be motivated to perform better.

c.     Giving timely rewards: As rewards helps the employee do their work better and efficient. Timely rewards based on performance, work completion time, etc. from the management will help employees to get recognized among their coworkers and whole management, which automatically increases the productivity of employees.

d.    Manager should clearly define the goal of organization to the employees.

e.     As there is no good relationship between owner/manager and employees. The owner/ manager can do some short trip to all the employees time and again which helps employees refreshed their moods and also improves the relationship among all.

4.Evaluate Kris Jenkins’ decision to accept the general manager’s position. Given the information available, did she make the right decision? Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, Kris Jenkins’ made the right decision to accept the general manager’s position in my opinion because of the following reasons:

a.     Kris Jenkins had completed her study on cosmetology and business degree

b.    It was her goal to own a salon so she can learn from the experiences of Illa and Lynn as well as it will help her in the future to her salon.

c.     It is the dream of every employee to get the freedom to make the decision on their own which will provide them job satisfaction. Here, in this case, Jenkins is getting the GM position at Bella’s with all the authority on the operational tasks and decision and she can decide on assigning the jobs to operate the organization.

d.    She identified the core problems of Bella’s and she knows how to handle those problems and implement the proper policy.




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