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Project Management in Nepal

Project management in Developing country-

-          Developing country means low level of economic and human development.

-          Low per capita income

-          Centralized planning model

-          Increased flow of foreign assistant from developed countries  but they do not complete the development work in time that why chances of over run of cost and sub- standard of quality

-          The implantation of development plans and program has come to depend heavily on project management.

-          Failed of bureaucratic model of management and uses and need of project management in developing country is high.

Historical overview of Project management in Nepal-

-          Nepal is one of the least developed country of the world

-          Per capita income is ….

-          People live below the poverty …..

-          Low rank in human resource development index

-          Development plans are heavily depend on foreign assistance

-          Project concept was begun in 1950/51 with the grant assistant of US$100,000 by USA.

-          Development plan was introduce in 1956

-          The system of development plan is still continuous and dependent in foreign assistance.

-          The foreign aided project in Nepal consists and executed in Turnkey, donor, and nationally executed project.

-          Project management model appeared in Nepal in 1970

-          Organization structure is based on development committee for the operation of project which is autonomous and pure project organization structure.

-          Matrix organization structure is also used in selected cases

-          INGOs and private sectors are also used the project management concept since 1980 as built, operates and transfer modality.

-          FDI (Foreign direct Investment) also led to greater use of project management in Nepal.

-          Today the implementation of development plan depend heavily on project management but still ineffective and does not meet constraints.

Project planning in Nepal:

Project planning in Nepal is concerned with the development of project investment. It consists of

-          Feasibility study to determine the project implement ability

-          Performance appraisal to evaluate project ability to succeed 

-          Detailed engineering designed and estimating to the implementation of project plan.

-          Central level development project are planned by the donor.

-          Local level projects are planned by various agencies ( DDC, VDC) of the government

-           National planning commission is responsible for preparation of five year development plan.

-          Projects are working as a primary means of translating development plan into action.

-          National planning commission is responsible for identification, planning, monitoring, and evaluation of development project.

-          Central level project should have approval of NPC

-          Local level project have approval of the secretary of the concerned ministry with the policy guidelines of NPC.

-          The project approval is based on the appraisal of the project proposal

Content of project proposal for Nepalese project:

Outline of the project – Mentioned objectives, location, and duration of project

Total investment of the project- investment in development, construction and others.

Sources of finds- Government, donor, loan, or grant

Returned from the project – Contribution to increase production, employment, IRR and other economic and social benefits

Economic analysis of the project- cost benefit ration and cost effectiveness estimates

Project implementation – schedule and budget

Implementation requirement – In term of HR and Construction material

 Project Operations- After completion and handover of project – Management arrangement, expenditure estimates with time, income estimate with time, Government of Nepal assistance if needed, Approval of the project.

Project Approval:

The project approval process is based on  - project fit with national objectives, sect oral strategies, recommendation of department head, concerned ministry and NPC as well as finance ministry.

Benefit of project Management in Nepal:

-          Project management serve as vehicle for introducing change in Nepal

-          Environmental adaptation

-          Resources mobilization- mobilize foreign aid, country budget, and technology

-          Infrastructure development- It help to develop physical and social infrastructure

-          Better utilization of resources across ministries through faster decision making

-          Human resource development

-          Organizational re-engineering

Limitation of Project Management in Nepal:

-          Unsuitable – because of rural area, rural reject are small but can not reduce poverty from small project

-          Problem of authority delegation- Project management system need delegation of total authority but Nepalese administrative system does not enjoy in this

-          Top management interference

-          Lack of professional human resource

-          Conflict

-          Cultural constraint

Difficulties in project implementation in Nepal:

-          Ineffective implementation

-          Development project have failed to meet target and objectives

-          Time cost overrun is common

-          Unclear policies, objectives, weak institutional capacity, lack of user participation

-          Delay in budget release, delay in project approval and appointment of project consultant

-          Defective project design

-          Lack of coordination and counter part funds

-          Delay in contract

-          Problem from donor in re-imbursement

-          Poor monitoring and evaluation as well as corruption

Improving project implementation in Nepal:

-          Effective implement policies – like  comprehensive guideline, define methodology and techniques of project formulation and planning, project approval procedures, and procurement guidelines where corruption will control

-          Ensure good project design- with involvement of National planning commission and stakeholders, improved screening process of project and ensure stakeholder ownership in project design.

-          Improve project management- For the improvement of project management project information system, given to full authority, responsibilities and accountability to project manager, full right about team member management to  project manager, support by the functional manager for training, institutional development of project.

-          Improve financial management- For this purpose make strengthened to the project budgeting system, adequate provision of funds, timely reimbursement of fund and proper financial documents should prepare.

-          Streamline (make more efficient) procedure- Procedure of procurement, contract system, approval of government procedures, one window system, donor procedures also streamline. 

-          Make strong coordination and monitoring system from the timely flow of information, review meeting, and better coordination.

-          Control corruption and politicization-



Field work Topic:

1.      Project Implementation System in Kathmandu district Development Committee

2.      Financial Management in Development project of

3.      Project Monitoring and evaluation system of Nepal Bank Ltd

4.      Prospect and challenges of project management of UNDP funded project

5.      Project formulation and planning techniques in  Nabil Bank

6.      Financial control system of project in Kathmandu Metropolitan city

7.      Project Management information system in Kathmandu DDC

8.      Practices of Total quality Management Concept of Development project in …….

9.      Project control system of JIACA

10.  NGOs project monitoring and evaluation system in Social welfare council

11.  Conflict management in consumers banking project of Agriculture development bank

12.  Time management on development project of Kathmandu Metropolitan city ward no 5

13.  Project environment and leadership in INGOs funded project

14.  Project team management in UNDP

15.  Project planning and control system in

16.  Position of Railway transportation

17.  Position of Saja Bus and its management

18.  Project formulation practices in national Planning commission Nepal

19.  Project manager roles and required skills for project management in Drinking water project

20.  Practices of Project life cycle concept in ……………….

21.  Role and responsibilities Effectiveness of project manager in …

22.  Practices of tools and tetchiness in Project appraisal system in…

23.  Work Break down structure and project implantation in …

24.  Conflict environment in Project management

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