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Difference Between HRM and HRD


Human resources are an essential section of anyorganization, company or institute. Recognizing this importance, separate branches geared towards the development and the safeguarding of this sector has evolved over time. HRD and HRM are two such subjects that cater to this growing need today.

What is HRD?

HRD or Human Resource Development is a sort of framework that allows and aids employees of an organization to develop their organizational and personal skills as well as their knowledge and abilities. There are a myriad of practices and opportunities involved in this field. Some of them can be named as performance development and management, training, career development, mentoring, coaching, succession planning, tuition assistance, key employee identification, etc.

The main goal of Human Resource Development is to create the most superior workforce possible so that the organization has the means to fulfil their services towards their clientele better. Human Resource Development can be formal or informal: formal being tutored in a classroom or an organized effort while informal may be on the job training by a manager.

What is HRM?

HRM or Human Resource Management is an organizational function that has been thus introduced with the aim of maximizing the performance of the employees. HRM focuses on policies and systems and deals primarily in the manner in which people are managed within organizations. HRM deals with a number of activities such as employee training, recruitment, performance appraisals as well as dulyrewarding the employees. In doing so, HRM must also make sure that organizational practices are kept in line with the rules and regulations of governmental laws, thereby ensuring a balance between industrial relations as well.

At the beginning of the human resources movement in the early 20th century, HRM was defined by duties such as benefits and payroll administration and transactional work whereas today withglobalization, HRM has come to focus upon strategic initiatives such as talent management, succession planning, industrial and employee relations, and inclusion and diversity.

In order to cater to the growing need of HRM, professionals, universities, higher educational institutes all over the world have introduced various courses and degrees that will allow individuals to gain the necessary knowledge needed for this field. In order to be qualified for a position in HRM, one needs to possess educational qualifications befitting their position.

What is the difference between HRD and HRM?

HRD and HRM are both practices that deal with human resources of a company. Usually in large organizations, there exists entire departments dedicated to HRM where trained professionals work together solely towards the amelioration of this aspect, dealing with both HRD and HRM functions. HRD is human resource development. HRM is human resource management.

• HRD deals with functions such as performance development and management, training, career development, mentoring, coaching, succession planning, tuition assistance, key employee identification, etc. HRM deals with functions such as employee training, recruitment, performance appraisals as well as duly rewarding the employees.

• HRD is a part of HRM. HRM deals with all HR initiatives while HRD only deals with the development factor.

• HRM functions are more formal than of HRD functions.

Difference Between HRM and HRD

human-resourceHRM vs HRD

HRM stands for human resources management, which refers to the art of managing all aspects of the human work force at a company or organization. HRM aims at providing an optimal working environment for employees to fully and freely utilize their skills to their best to achieve the company’s intended output. As human resources management usually applies to big companies and organizations, it has sub categories, among which is HRD, which stands for human resources development. This is a component of HRM that focuses on ‘nurturing’ employee’s skills. Because the process of hiring new employees can be long, expensive and cumbersome, most companies employ the strategy of HRD to promote longevity of employees within the company because through this an employee is likely to progressively scale up the managerial ladder.

Human resources management of a company is often an independent department of its own composed of various sections including recruitment and retention, performance and appraisal management, HRD and compensation sections. But HRD does not only focus on development of skills but also focuses on the personal development of employees. Because peoples’ needs and expectations are ever growing and changing this section of HRM is specifically there to help employees cope with such and prepare them for future uncertainties.

Generally speaking, professionals working within the HRM department must have excellent people skills although this is more so with those particularly working in the HRD section. The HRD section needs to have professionals with impeccable people management skills as they need to be able to realize talent within people from a cross section of backgrounds. The HRD section is concerned with identifying strengths and weaknesses among different employees and devising training means that aim at making those skills complement the other.

HRD aims at developing a superior workforce so that the company and individual employees may achieve their work goals in the customers’ service. It can take on a formal approach as in a classroom or laboratory training in a case where it may apply. It may also take the informal route where an employee receives coaching or simple mentorship from his superior, usually a manager.

1. HRD is a sub section of HRM, i.e. HRD is a section with the department of HRM.
2.HRM deals with all aspects of the human resources function while HRD only deals with the development part.
3.HRM is concerned with recruitment, rewards among others while HRD is concerned with employee skills development.
4.HRM functions are mostly formal while HRD functions can be informal like mentorships.

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What is the difference between human resource Development and human resource management as far as a degree?

I am getting closer trying to get a bs in human resoure..but, what is the diff. between HR management and HR development degrees???



 1 answer

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 Best Answer:  Human resource management incorporates everything concerning personnel, so that someone with a degree can work as a manager in a personnel department. 

Human resource development is more specific. It focuses on improving personnel through training, selection, and other methods. The goals of human resource development are worthwhile for improving organizational productivity, whereas the goals of human resource management are more general and vague. 

However, many employers are impressed if you have any type of "management" degree, especially if you want a higher-level or higher-paying job. 


Human Resource Development is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. Human Resource Development includes such opportunities as employee training, employee career development, performance management and development, coaching, succession planning, key employee identification, tuition assistance, and organization development. 

The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers. 

Human Resource Development can be formal such as in classroom training, a college course, or an organizational planned change effort. Human Resource Development can also be informal as in employee coaching by a manager. Healthy organizations believe in Human Resource Development and cover all of these bases. 


Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. 

Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.


Explain the difference between HRM and HRD?


HRD is the multidisciplinary process and management of developing learning and performance to enhance both the individual and the organization. 
Human resource development (HRD) is a part of human resource management. it deals with the all round development of an employee within an organization, his career development, training, counseling, updating him with the latest technology, helping him explore his potential and develop his skills which would prove beneficial to both the employee and the organization in achieving the organization goals. it also means allocation of resources for the development of the employee.
For an improved definition of HRD that is based on the pith of several religions, please visit:


The Relationship Between HR & HRD Functions in a Large Organization

by Michelle Reynolds, Demand Media Google

HR and HRD personnel co-exist to keep employees contributing to the company.

(Photo: BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images )


·         Advantages & Disadvantages of Decentralizing Human Resource Management


A symbiotic relationship exists between human resources, or HR, management and human resources development, or HRD. In large organizations, HR management generally employs more than one person to shepherd daily HR activities. Several professionals in HRD might be responsible for employee growth duties. HR personnel recruit and hire people, among other things, and HRD employees develop those workers into productive colleagues. HR and HRD duties often overlap, because both human resources departments work together to help an organization reach its full potential.

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HR Functions

Human resources management oversees many day-to-day concerns. These duties are multiplied significantly in large organizations because of the increased number of employees, so the HR department may have many employees. HR managers will make themselves and their personnel available for any employee-related needs, including managing unemployment claims or dealing with work-related accidents, employment lawsuits or unresolved employee disputes between co-workers or between workers and management.

HR Responsibilities

In addition to supervising employee-related matters, human resources managers conduct recruitment, hiring and firing activities, oversee payroll and manage health benefits. HR staff members work toward a safe and productive work environment that maintains high levels of employee morale. HR professionals will devise employee appreciation programs, direct compensation studies and ensure that government safety standards are being met. HR managers ensure that the organization complies with all employment laws and coaches and counsels workers when necessary.

HRD Functions

Activities pursued by HRD personnel are focused on the consequential development of the organization through its employees. As large organizations seek to flourish and employee turnover occurs, the need for qualified employees increases. HRD professionals strategically develop employees who possess the qualities and potential that can contribute greatly to the company's goals. The ideal HRD professional is perceptive enough to recognize qualities in others that can be strengthened to meet the continuing needs of the organization.

HRD Responsibilities

HRD team members will use the tools at their disposal to foster the growth of employees to fill strategic company needs. For example, HRD staff members may encourage an employee's ability to increase global sales by using definitive training approaches, such as sending the qualified employee to educational seminars. HRD professionals might also be involved in recruiting outside the organization when an individual is discovered who can help the company reach a critical goal.

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Subject: Re: HRM vs. HRD what is the difference? 
Answered By:
 tutuzdad-ga on 27 Oct 2005 06:55 PDT 



Dear cbbahamas-ga;


Thank you for allowing me to answer your interesting question. Human

Resource Management (HRM) and Human Resource Development (HRD) each

have their own unique purpose in the functionality of a company.


Human Resource Management (HRM) is the management of company

PERSONNEL. It is defined as: ?Staffing function of the organization.

It includes the activities of human resources planning, recruitment,

selection, orientation, training, performance appraisal, compensation,

and safety.?



Here is a more detailed explanation:


?HRM means just what it says -- human resource management -- the

management of people or resources in an organization. Almost every

working organization has to have some form of HRM staff to take care

of basic employee management tasks. HRM encompasses the traditional

areas that most people think of as HR, including compensation and

benefits, recruiting and staffing, employee and labor relations and

occupational health and safety.


An HRM professional might start out as a generalist, then choose a

specialty area of HRM such as benefits and become a benefits manager.

After that, she may choose to remain in the specialty area, perhaps

running all benefits programs at an organization, or move into an HR

leadership role as an HR director or VP overseeing both HRM and HRD



Human Resource Development (HRD) is the development and management of

company RESOURCES. It is defined as: ?The development of human

capabilities, abilities, knowledge and know-how to meet people's

ever-growing needs for goods and services to improve their standard of

living and quality of life. It is a process in which the citizens of a

nation acquire and develop the knowledge and skills necessary for

occupational tasks and for other social, cultural, intellectual and

political roles that form part of a vibrant democratic society.?



Here?s more on HRD:


?On the other hand, HRD -- human resource development -- is the

development of the resources in a company: organization development,

performance management, training and learning, and coaching. HRD

includes evaluating the performance of employees, helping employees

learn and develop new skills, and assisting them with weaknesses or

areas of development. HRD also includes helping an organization

develop -- diagnosing problems with how people work together in

certain areas of an organization.


An HRD professional's career might begin with an analyst role, working

as a consultant on a company's organization development (OD) team. The

HRD professional may then choose to specialize, focusing specifically

on performance programs in the organization, or may become an OD

manager, in charge of several analysts or consultants working on OD

projects. After that, he may choose to remain in the specialty area

running the OD function, or move into an HR leadership role as an HR

director or VP overseeing both HRM and HRD tasks.?





I hope you find that my answer exceeds your expectations. If you have

any questions about my research please post a clarification request

prior to rating the answer. Otherwise I welcome your rating and your

final comments and I look forward to working with you again in the

near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us.


Best regards;

Tutuzdad-ga ? Google Answers Researcher



The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. Usually small businesses (for-profit or nonprofit) have to carry out these activities themselves because they can't yet afford part- or full-time help. However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form of employee manuals, which all employees have.

Note that some people distinguish a difference between between HRM (a major management activity) and HRD (Human Resource Development, a profession). Those people might include HRM in HRD, explaining that HRD includes the broader range of activities to develop personnel inside of organizations, including, eg, career development, training, organization development, etc.

There is a long-standing argument about where HR-related functions should be organized into large organizations, eg, "should HR be in the Organization Development department or the other way around?"

The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large organizations looked to the "Personnel Department," mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner.

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