Business is not a easy task for all who tries to initiate and earn profit and sustain long term. Those who want to be success in a business must know and understand the below mentioned points minutely.
Reasons behind the business failure
1. Building something that people not needed
2. Hiring poorly or not the right team
3. Lack of focus
4. Stuck in legal issues
a. Trademarks
a. Trademarks
b. Certificates
c. Papers
d. Contracts
5. Failure to execute sales & Marketing
a. Right scheme
6. Bad location
a. Restaurant
b. Stock
7. Getting out completed
a. To much competition
8. Not having right partners or co-founders
9. Cash burn or not been able to raise money
10. Not been able to execute a pivot or not learning from your failure
11. Raising too much money
12. Lack of planning
a. Mentor
b. Coach
c. Guide
d. Teachers
13. Chasing investor not user(Customer)
14. Leadership/Strategic failure
15. Wrong partners and alliances
16. No differentiation
a. Why customer comes
17. Wrong business model
a. Kfc
b. Mc donnald
c. Pizza
18. No revenue model
a. Probability of income
19. Overexpansion
20. Bad debts
21. Macroeconomics factor
a. Earthquake
b. Landslide
c. Bio disease
22. Slow execution
a. Execute
b. Track
c. Result
23. Wrong target and positioning
a. Maruti
b. Mercedes
c. Suzuki
24. Premature scaling
a. Timing
25. Ignoring users feedback
26. Lack of profit or cash
27. Wrong time to market
28. Inadequate inventory management
29. No passion
30. Scaling without technology
31. Personal use of business fund
a. Using fund by founders for personal use
32. No succession planning
a. Who handles in absence of responsible person
33. Failure to identify opportunity gap
34. Bad product experience
35. Un-trained or Disharmonious
a. Team members
36. Long term value of customers