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Importance of Meeting in Business Organization

Importance of meeting in business organization 

A meeting is an event in which a group of people gather in order to discuss on a certain topic, issues, problems and make decisions and create solutions. It provides opportunities for sharing information, making suggestions and proposals, taking discussions and obtaining instant feedback. Meeting helps build the relationship among people and share the information which helps people feel included, trusted and that they are important to team members as well giving them the opportunity to contribute to success of the company. In business organizations, meeting is generally conducted to review company information or establish new operating principles and to understand the company financial health or operations. 

The key importance of meeting in business organization are discussed on the following points: 

1. In business organization, meeting helps to collaborate better. Out of 100%, 55% of communication can be visualized from body language, facial expression and gesture. In meeting, we can see one-other face to face which reduces the room for misunderstanding or confusion. One can ask if not understood and clarify the needed. 

2. Meeting help build and strengthen the team. 

3. Meeting provides an opportunity for the organization to acknowledge the accomplishment of group member through public recognition. 

4. It helps to keep all the employees and rest of the staffs and board of directors keep each other updated with work matter. It is a way of keeping track of individual and team work progress through healthy discussion. 

5. It is an opportunity to share the information who do not feel comfortable sharing the information via email or report. 

6. Meeting provides the space for learning and improvement opportunity. 

7. Meeting create a space for giving each other feedback. Giving and receiving feedback increases the employee relationship to one another as well as it helps in upgrading the knowledge and experience. 

8. Meeting helps in brainstorming through personal interaction. People share their knowledge, life events, experiences and information they have which highly helps to receive the great information needed in the organization.

9. Conflicts in the organization are resolved in the meeting. One can freely share the things that they have problem with or not satisfied with. Sharing those things helps in resolving the occurred conflicts in the organization. Conflicts are mainly solved by bringing together the conflicting parties of the problem and taking a decision. It is beneficial in involving non-conflicting parties too because they might advise good solutions to those conflicts. 

10. Moreover, meeting is an essential technique to revise and review the past performance of the organization. Reviewing of the past performance can be done through annual general meeting. Organization can get benefited by revising the organization policy in which the policy is weak. 

11. It is a golden opportunity for the creative people to expose themselves with creative ideas, recommendation or interest in taking lead. 

12. Furthermore, through meeting profit generation strategies are evolved through brainstorming, sharing of information and knowledge. 

13. Meeting aware employees to check whether they are being rightly reported by the line manager or not. Sometimes, line managers might not make right reporting, if they feel some of them as possible competitors in promotion or so on. In this scenario, employees can well cross- check it through meeting. 

14. Meeting motivates the employees to achieve the organizations goal and mission. 

15. Meeting allows organizations staff to have personal level talks and times for common discussion as well as relationship building. It creates better bonding among executives and employees. 

To conclude the importance of meeting in business organization, meeting should be conducted in regular basis and tis importance must be understood by every person involved in any organization. In order to achieve any goals of the organizations, meeting helps in every possible way through brainstorming, knowledge sharing, information sharing and experience sharing.

Dahal Atindra, Ph. D.,  Managerial Communication

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