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Adding power to the four phases of the presentation:

    A presentation is the process of showing, explaining or presenting on a topic to an audience. It is typically:
      a demonstration
       or speech
    It is meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, or to build goodwill or to present a new idea or product.

Every presentation must have 4P’s which are as below and must be followed with the bottom-up approach.

1.     Plan

    Plan is the process of thinking about the all the activities required to achieve the goal. Following things should be considered during planning:
To add power to the presentation we first should know Why, What and Who.

a.      Why?

-          Why are we going to present?
Goal, objective

b.      What?

-           What is the purpose of presentation?
To teach or train
To inform or educate
To persuade
To motivate to act

c.       Who?

-          Who are you presenting for?
         Age level
         Culture or religion

2.     Prepare

We should prepare well before any presentation. preparations can be done through:
Ø  Research
Ø  Books
Ø  Internet
Ø  Article
   We can also take examples, tables or chats, jokes images to make audience attentive during the presentation.

Following points should be considered to add power in the presentation:
      Prepare a memorable conclusion
      Keep it short and simple
      Tell stories connected with audience
      Use limited notes
      Visualize yourself
      Research about fun facts, jokes etc. about the topic to make audience attentive.

3.     Practice

Practice is a process of learning though the repetition. Practice helps to decrease nervousness and overcome anxiety.


“…because the more connected we are to our material the more connected our audience will be to us”
    We can practice until we become familiar with speech. We can practice:
      In mirror
      In video
      In front of family, friends or teacher

 Trust me – Rehearse

“Practice makes a man perfect.”

      Judge our time
      Clear points
      Delivering strong opinion
      Closure with a strong ending

4.     Present

    This phase associates with the process of delivering the ideas and explaining the topic in front of live audience. It is the final phase of the presentation process.
We will be able to present well if we plan, prepare and practice properly.
Following points should be considered to add power to the presentation:
      Own the Subject
      Feel positive
      Confident and relaxed
      Well groomed and smart
      Have vary voice
      Use vivid words
      Manage proper timing
      Say ‘we’ not ‘you’
      Clear and concise
      Use different body language
      Don’t be too fast
      Involve the audience (don’t just let them to listen, let them raise questions and doubts.)

   We will be able to deliver proper presentation. If we properly follow the 4p’s of presentation process. We will be able to deliver exact concept of the whole presentation if we plan beforehand, prepare well and practice enough.

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