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Teej : The Most Awaited Festival for Nepalese Women

Written By: Jaya Silwal

Red, green and yellow, these are the only colors that can be seen everywhere; mostly dominated by the color red. Teej is the name of a red insect that comes out on the surface during the rainy season. The festival is said to have got its name from that very insect. That must be the reason why the whole town seems to be painted red that day.

Metaphorically, you can see all the women and girls of all age groups on the streets enjoying the festival that it's not less than painting the town red.

To those who don't have any idea, Haritalika Teej is one of the most-awaited and celebrated festivals of Hindu women in Nepal. This festival mostly falls on the 3rd day of Bhadra Shukla Pakshya according to the Nepali Lunar Calendar.

It is a three-day-long celebration with the aim to increase the happiness, peace, prosperity, family harmony and the long life span of women's husbands or beloved. Traditionally, this festival is dedicated to Goddess Parbati for her union with Lord Shiva.

Let me explain the whole festival along with my experience of it.

1. Daar Khane din - The First Day

On this day or shall I say night since it is celebrated at the night time, all the women of the family along with their friends and relatives gather at a place and eat 'darr'.  Darr is like a feast prepared for women for celebrating their dedication and hard work throughout the year and preparing them for their hardcore fast for the next day.

This feast is eaten before midnight of that day because it is believed that once the clock starts midnight their fasts also starts so they cannot eat.

I don't really fast during Teej, it’s all about personal choice but ever since I was a kid I have always been very interested in this day. I used to try so much to make myself not fall asleep till the time the feast started. The best part of those who do not participate is that they can at least enjoy ‘darr’ delicacies since there is no restriction as to who can or cannot taste those dishes. You cannot just give up eating all those tasty food, can you? The secret is, you need to be acquainted with a Nepalese family!

2. Day of Fasting - The Second Day

The second day is considered to be the main day. It is the time when women take fast. Some of them take fast without eating a bite and without drinking a single drop of water but many drink some drinks and fruits cause Health is Wealth. Ladies, you need to keep up your health before you pray for your husband's.

The married women believe that with the fast god will shower their husband and family with prosperity and long life whereas the unmarried women fast with the hope of blessed with a good husband. Traditionally, this what the belief on fasting is all about but in recent years women have been fasting for more other reasons too; mainly for the happiness of themselves.

This day starts with ladies wearing their best red saree or kurta (Solha Singhar). By being their best they go to Lord Shiva's temple to worship them. They worship and offer their prayers to Shiva Linga, which symbolizes Lord Shiva. They offer flowers, sweets, fruits and coins to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati to grant them with blessing.Then, the whole day is celebrated with visiting different Shiva's temples, singing and dancing on the way. You can also look at it from this angle; it is a day of loosening up from your everyday burdens and celebrating yourself.

I love dancing and dressing up so this is my day. It's not everyday you get to wear your traditional dresses and dance on the folk songs. You might be thinking that with women on their fast they won't have much energy but in reality, if you want to get a clear picture just imagine a kid high on sugar. That's the level of energy of this day. Everyone everywhere is smiling, dancing and singing.

The important part of the puja is the oil lamp which is lit by the women who take fast, that lamp should be alight throughout the night. It is believed that by the light of an oil lamp all night will bring peace and prosperity to the husband and family. At the end of the day women exchange gifts with their mother-in-law.

3. Rishi Panchami- The Third Day

This third day is the day of puja. On this day women pay homage to seven saints or sages, offer prayers to deities, and bathe with red mud found on the roots of the sacred datiwan bush, along with its leaves. This day is about holding puja to wash away all of the past sins, only after this puja women take solid food.

Though I don't take fast, my mom does make me do this puja. I have been doing it for the last six years and to reveal a secret I have started to love its procedure. But will never let my mom know that this year is going to be a no different she will have to pull me out of the bed and yell at me go and bathe with the datiwan bush, then get ready for the puja. I do need to absolve all my sins.

Hartalika Teej is not just a festival it has turned into a kind of emotion. Many things have changed in the way it is celebrated. Women these days have started to eat darr from a few weeks ago and getting dressed has turned into the competition of showing off their jewels and expensive saris but at the end of the day if one is happy about themselves nothing else matters. That’s the theme of the festival itself. It is about strengthening the bond between a couple, family and women. Nowadays, the festival is connected with the women’s liberation movement in Nepal.

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