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Responsibility of the Project Manager

Project manager have several responsibilities when managing. Project manager must keep tasks on schedule, stay within budget and manage parties to produce high quality of product and services.

Project manager has integrated within the constraints (i.e. cost, time, quality) related responsibilities are issues relating to professionalism. As a project manager s/he interact with several people the manner in which s/he conduct him/herself and project will make an impression. As the project manager s/he have following responsibilities:

1. Responsibility to the Parent organization
  • Report of project work on time and make the appropriate use of resources.
  • Provide timely and accurate information about project work.
  • Work with parent organization culture.
  • Follows parent organization culture, rules, norms and standard.
  • Make decision with support to parent organization goals
  • Work with economically viable and technically feasible.

2. Responsibility to the stake holders:

  • Follows the rule of government, laws and regulation.
  • Follows the societal and cultural environmental norms, rules laws
  • Learned and keep in mind to local custom, work culture laws, ethical parties.
  • Work with social acceptable and politically suitable.
  • Regular interaction with stakeholders.

3. Responsibility to the project team members:

  • Understand the nature, characteristics and attitude of the team members.
  • Providing safe and positive working environment.
  • Establish vertical, horizontal and diagonal communication system and channel.
  • Resolving problems and conflict among team members.
  • Conduct and operate project activities as a professional manner.
  • Share information with team members.
  • Participate and involved to members in continuing education.

4. Responsibility of project to oneself or project:

  • Developing the project plan (without the plan one can not forecast system, procedure..)
  • Managing the project stakeholders, customers, government, society, staff, competitors, suppliers.
  • Managing the project team.
  • Managing the project schedule, list of work, time allocation and resource allocation, project budget, conflict
  • Project manager must be updated about the information and technology.

Roles of the Project manager:

1. Informational Role

Monitor role: The project manager’s duties includes: assessing the internal operation, problem and opportunities, identification. All the information gained as a capacity of project manager monitoring project activities, reporting of project progress and etc.

Disseminator role: Under this role project manager performed value based external view into the organization and to subordinates. This requires both filtering and deletion of skills documentation creating chart and schedule, risk analysis, managing risk and issues, stability and profitability and cost benefits realization o project.

Spoke person role: Under this role project manager perform as a resource person. Reporting, informing and lobbying others to keep key stake holders update about the organizational operation.

2. Interpersonal Role

Figurehead role: Project manager serve as inspiration, legal and ceremonial obligation symbol of status ad authority.

Leadership role: Project manager serve as heart of the subordinate/ team member of project, structuring motivating, encouraging, over seeing the progress, promoting project activities, effectively balancing to team members and other stake holders and able to influence to others.

Liaison Role:
Project manager serve as information and communication obligation manager. S/he must develop network of information exchange and success to knowledge bases.

3. Decisional Role:

Entrepreneur role: Project manager should encourage to those members create improvement of project activities, delegate works to them. Empower and supervise team in the development process and continue improvement of quality of the project performance.

Disturbance handle role: A project manager take the roles of corrective action during the cases, resolve conflicts among staffs and team members and adapt the external change in project.

Resource allocation role: Project manager decides who gets resources, schedule, budget and set priorities of the project.

Negotiation Role: A project manager played the representative of project during with contractors, suppliers and general defined interest of project.

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