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I had an Incredible experience: Bungee Jumping in Bhotekoshi

Written By: Nisha Joshi

I am a happy girl. I want to experience all the adventures possible before I get old, of course. I love traveling, trekking, wandering and be in-between nature. So, I plan and go somewhere once a month.

To experience the adrenaline rush, I decided to do Bungee Jump in Nepal’s first bungee jumping site which is at The Last Resort in Sindhupalchowk district, Nepal.

I have always dreamt of doing the bungee and the plan of doing it was pending from so long. So, sudden plan with my dear friend made me do bungee jump in 25th Nov 2016.

I was so excited and happy to reach the place of my wishlist. The Last Resort was so calm, peaceful, beautiful and enchanting. I was fascinated with the view all around the resort.

The procedure of bungee was: i) first I had to pay them for Bungee jump + video (if I want) + T-shirt (if I want) because I wanted all so, I paid for all. In 2016, I paid NRS. 6500 only /- but by now the price has been increased. ii) then they let us take my weight in the weighing balance and iii) trained what I/we should and should not do during bungee jumping and as soon as after bungee jump. I was listening to them very happily because I knew I won’t be regretting doing it.

After the first procedure, the bungee doers were taken to the bungee bridge. My turn was on fourth so, I waited for my turn. Previous three jumpers did amazingly good.  And after the third jumper, my turn came. I was asked about my current feeling, I just replied by saying, “ I am very happy and not nervous at all”. Then I was taken to the jumping site.

As soon as I stand in the jumping site, I was nervous as hell. I was not able to see the river below. The instructor was telling me to jump by saying “3….. 2…. 1…. Bungee” but I could not jump in the first time. But with all courage I jumped off from 160 m below in the second time. The experience is something different I still can’t express in words.

 I was screaming loud. The feeling of flying for a while and hanging in the rope was incredible as well as full of fear. I could see the flowing river so near me and the freezing air were blowing over my face which was making me realize the experience was real. The few seconds of free fall, that adrenaline rush, my nervousness, and happiness were real. And YES! I experienced my first bungee jump.

To come up, I had to pull one of the rope, as soon as I pull the required rope, I was able to see the environment around me parallel. I was surrounded by the high beautiful hills and river below.

All in all, the experience of the bungee jump was amazing and thrilling at the same time. I was able to tick this magical experience off my bucket list.

Note: You must also experience the World’s second tallest bungee jump (224 meters tall) at Kushma, Parbat, Nepal which is about to open soon for all the people waiting for the thrilling adrenaline rush. 

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