1. Why the temperature remains constant during change of state?
2. Milk boils faster than water. Why?
3. What do you mean by specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/Kg K?
4. Why night in desert is very cold and days are very hot?
5. Explain the reason of using water as both cooling as well as heating agent?
6. Why babies are wrapped tightly with warm clothes than grownups in winter?
7. Why do animals eat more during winter?
8. Why do animals curl during winter?
9. Does Newton’s law of cooling apply to warming as well as cooling?
10. Does the specific heat capacity of a substance depends on its temperature?
11. How are camels able to bear high temperature in summer in desert?
12. Trees put up or acquire more leaves in summer in desert. Explain?
13. Should a thermometer bulb have large heat capacity or small heat capacity?
14. If you want to cool a coke bottle quickly, you put it into the defreeze of a refrigerator. Why?
15. Farmers fill water in their fields to protect the plant in severe winter. Why?
16. Hot water loses more heat rapidly than lukewarm water. Does it mean that the temperature of hot water falls to room temperature than lukewarm water?
17. When a hot body warms cold body, do their temperature change in equal magnitude?
18. Water is not a good calorimetric substance why?
19. Why calorimeters are usually made up of copper (metals)?
20. What should be the characteristics of good calorimetric liquids?
21. What are the limitations of Newton’s law of cooling?
22. Why does food cook faster in pressure cooker pot than in open pot?
23. How can water be boiled in paper cup?
24. During high fever, a wet cloth is kept in forehead of a person?
25. Explain why water remains cool in earthen pot in summer?
26. Why can you get a more severe burn from steam at 100 0C than water at same temperature?
27. When you come out of a swimming pool you feel cold. Why?
28. How it is that ice cream appears cooler to the mouth than ice at0 0C?
29. If you wet your hand and pickup an ice tray that is below 0 0C, your hand may stick to it. This does not happen to wood. Why?
30. If you add heat to an object, do you necessarily increase its temperature? Justify your answer?
31. Why do you feel cool in the mouth when you eat halls?
32. Explain why a person feels cooling when a little spirit is poured in his hand?
33. Differentiate between evaporation and boiling?
34. Why latent heat of vaporization of liquid is greater than that of latent heat of fusion of solid?
35. Dogs in summer keeps their tongues out. Why?
36. Why do we feel cold when we spray perfume on our body?
37. Why it feels cooler during melting of snow than falling of snow?
38. A hole is made in ice block and some water is filled in it. Will the water freeze?
39. Can we walk on the surface of frozen lake?
40. Why it is harmful to dry wet clothes on our body?
41. Suppose, water at 25 0C is kept in open vessel and taken to moon. What will happen to the water?
42. Why is salt sprayed on the road covered with snow in cold countries?
43. A large iceberg melts at the base not at the top. Why?
44. Why is it difficult to cook food in high altitude?
45. What do you mean by super cooled liquid?
30. If you add heat to an object, do you necessarily increase its temperature? Justify your answer?
31. Why do you feel cool in the mouth when you eat halls?
32. Explain why a person feels cooling when a little spirit is poured in his hand?
33. Differentiate between evaporation and boiling?
34. Why latent heat of vaporization of liquid is greater than that of latent heat of fusion of solid?
35. Dogs in summer keeps their tongues out. Why?
36. Why do we feel cold when we spray perfume on our body?
37. Why it feels cooler during melting of snow than falling of snow?
38. A hole is made in ice block and some water is filled in it. Will the water freeze?
39. Can we walk on the surface of frozen lake?
40. Why it is harmful to dry wet clothes on our body?
41. Suppose, water at 25 0C is kept in open vessel and taken to moon. What will happen to the water?
42. Why is salt sprayed on the road covered with snow in cold countries?
43. A large iceberg melts at the base not at the top. Why?
44. Why is it difficult to cook food in high altitude?
45. What do you mean by super cooled liquid?