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Occupation:  Occupation is a group of job. Eg. Accountant, cook, manager, electrician. It has a title.  Job: Job is a group of position. Job may be understood as a division of task. Manager achieve goals by getting the job done.  Position: Position is the group of task. It is one or more duties performed by a single person. Every employee has a position in the organization.  Task: Task is a distinct work activity. It has a distinct purpose. Eg. Writing a letter, preparing for examinations, painting the wall and so on.  Concept, benefits and methods of Job design:  Concept of Job design:  Concept of Job design: Job design is defined contents and the way tasks are combined to complete a job. It organizes task into a job.  According to Robbins, “Job design is the way in which job tasks are organized into a unit of work.”  Job design is a person that integrated works content (task, function, ...


Skin is the largest organ of our body. It wraps the adult body in about 20 sq. ft., that weights 6 or 7 pounds. Skin has 650 sweat glands and 20 blood vessels.  Layers of skin:  1. Epidermis  2. Dermis  3. Hypodermis  1. Epidermis: Outermost layer of skin. It produces water proof barrier and creates skin tone. Function of epidermis is protection, absorption of nutrients and homeostasis. It contains different types of cells.  i. Keratinolytes: It is a major cells of epidermis which produces keratin. Keratin is fibrous protein that aids in protection. The most common cells are squamous cells, scaly cells and basal cells.  ii. Melanocyte: It produces melanin which gives skin a color. Accumulation of melanin are packed in metanosomes. These granules form a pigment shield against UV radiation.  iii. Langerhan’s cells: Epidemis contains...


Sun burn is a form of radiation which affect living tissues that results from over exposure of ultraviolet radiation. Eg: sun  Common symptoms: reddish skin, hot to touch, pain, mild dizziness.  Suntan: Exposure of skin to lesser amount of UV radiation.  UV-B is band which causes sunburn. It also initiates the production of melanin in the skin. UV-B also have minor effect on skin damage and penetrate deeper into the skin.  The intensity of UV-A radiation is more constant than UV-B without variations during the day throughout the year.  Both UV-A and UV-B can cause skin damage and wrinkles, collagen breakdown, formation of free radicals.  Sun protection factor (SPF):  A sunscreen’s efficacy has been measured by it’s sun protection factor (SPF). The sun protection factor (SPF). The sun protection factor is a measure of the effectiveness of a sunscreen product. In simple terms, the SPF of a product is the number of ...


Manicure is a cosmetic treatment for finger (nail) of the hand at home or beauty parlor. It consists of shaping of free edges pushing cuticle and clipping with cuticle nippers and treatment massage on hand and application of finger nail polish.  Some manicure includes painting of desired design of nails and/or applying small jewels. Other nail treatment includes application of artificial nail gel and these are included only in French manicure. In some countries, manicure are licensed with follow regulation. Since, the skin is manipulated and sometimes trimmed. There is a certain risk of spreading infection where tools are used across many people.  Manicure tools:  Bowl of warm water  Cuticle knife and clip  Manicure table  Nail brush  Nail clipper  Nail file  Nail scissor  Foot bath for pedicure  Cotton ball  Cuticle remover  Hand cream  Massage cream  Massage lotion  Nail ...


Adding power to the four phases of the presentation:     A presentation is the process of showing, explaining or presenting on a topic to an audience. It is typically: •       a demonstration •         introduction •        lecture •         or speech     It is meant to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate, or to build goodwill or to present a new idea or product. Every presentation must have 4P’s which are as below and must be followed with the bottom-up approach. 1.      Plan     Plan is the process of thinking about the all the activities required to achieve the goal. Following things should be considered during planning: To add power to the presentation we first should know Why, What and Who. a.       Why? -    ...