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Showing posts from December, 2016

Quantities of heat

1. Why the temperature remains constant during change of state? 2. Milk boils faster than water. Why? 3. What do you mean by specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/Kg K? 4. Why night in desert is very cold and days are very hot? 5. Explain the reason of using water as both cooling as well as heating agent? 6. Why babies are wrapped tightly with warm clothes than grownups in winter? 7. Why do animals eat more during winter? 8. Why do animals curl during winter? 9. Does Newton’s law of cooling apply to warming as well as cooling? 10. Does the specific heat capacity of a substance depends on its temperature? 11. How are camels able to bear high temperature in summer in desert? 12. Trees put up or acquire more leaves in summer in desert. Explain? 13. Should a thermometer bulb have large heat capacity or small heat capacity? 14. If you want to cool a coke bottle quickly, you put it into the defreeze of a refrigerator. Why