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Showing posts from August, 2015

Concept of Temperature: Short Questions and Numerical

Heat and temperature Short questions: 1.        Distinguish between heat and temperature? 2.        Distinguish between heat and work? 3.        When two bodies A and B are brought in contact, heat flows from body B to A. Which is at higher temperature? 4.        Why is mercury used commonly  as a thermometric substance? Give two reasons. 5.        What is thermal equilibrium? Can two object not in contact ever be in thermal equillibrium? 6.        State Zeroth law of thermodynamics? Define temperature on the basis of Zeroth law  of thermodynamics? 7.        Why two objects in thermal contact come in thermal equilibrium? 8.        Which physical quantity determines the direction of flow of heat? 9.        Is it necessary that when you add heat to a substance, there is increase in temperature of substance? 10.    What are the effects of heat? 11.    When  a solid is heated, what is the effect on its (i) volume (ii) density and (ii) mass ? 12.    What is therm

Stationary Wave: Short Questions and Numericals

Short Answer Questions:                                                                                                                             AP 1.        How are stationary waves formed? 2.        Longitudinal waves cannot be polarized. Why? 3.        A radio station broad casts at 800Khz. What will be the wavelength of the wave? 4.        Why longitudinal wave propagate in liquid? 5.        What is progressive wave? Give example. 6.        What do you mean by resonance? 7.        Can transverse wave be produced in air? 8.        If you set your watch by the sound of distant siren, will it go fast or slow? 9.        A wave transmits energy. Does it transfer linear momentum? 10.    Energy can be transferred by particles as well as by waves. How can we distinguish experimentally between these two methods of energy transfer? 11.    Bells are made up of wood but not of wood. Why? 12.    We prefer knocking rather than calling someone inside a closed room.