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Doing Business with Letter of Credit- Case Study of Nepal.

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Proforma Invoice- What is Proforma Invoice? Format of Proforma Invoice.

ProForma Invoice Bill From Name: ____________ Company Name: ______________ Street Address: _______________ City, ST ZIP Code: ______________ Phone: ________________ Bill To Name: ________________ Company Name: ______________ Street Address: _______________ City, ST ZIP Code: ______________ Phone: ________________ Invoice No. ___________ Invoice Date: ________ Due Date: ________ Description Quantity Price ($) Total ($) Subtotal Sales Tax Other Total Terms and Conditions Thank you for your business. Please send payment within ______ days of receiving this invoice. There will be a ______% per ______ o

Importance of Meeting in Business Organization

Importance of meeting in business organization  A meeting is an event in which a group of people gather in order to discuss on a certain topic, issues, problems and make decisions and create solutions. It provides opportunities for sharing information, making suggestions and proposals, taking discussions and obtaining instant feedback. Meeting helps build the relationship among people and share the information which helps people feel included, trusted and that they are important to team members as well giving them the opportunity to contribute to success of the company. In business organizations, meeting is generally conducted to review company information or establish new operating principles and to understand the company financial health or operations.  The key importance of meeting in business organization are discussed on the following points:  1. In business organization, meeting helps to collaborate better. Out of 100%, 55% of communication can be visualized


Occupation:  Occupation is a group of job. Eg. Accountant, cook, manager, electrician. It has a title.  Job: Job is a group of position. Job may be understood as a division of task. Manager achieve goals by getting the job done.  Position: Position is the group of task. It is one or more duties performed by a single person. Every employee has a position in the organization.  Task: Task is a distinct work activity. It has a distinct purpose. Eg. Writing a letter, preparing for examinations, painting the wall and so on.  Concept, benefits and methods of Job design:  Concept of Job design:  Concept of Job design: Job design is defined contents and the way tasks are combined to complete a job. It organizes task into a job.  According to Robbins, “Job design is the way in which job tasks are organized into a unit of work.”  Job design is a person that integrated works content (task, function, relationship) the rewards (internal and exte