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Difference between Bilateral project and Multilateral projects

Bilateral project: If any project is run by a mutual agreement between two friendly nations than it is a bilateral project. Both countries have an agreement to produce goods and services by using certain resources. In general, the project is run by accepting foreign aids and grants. Aids or grants are provided to poor countries through these organizations. Such organizations are: JICA (Japan), USAID (USA), UFIO (UK), SDC (SWISS), GIZ (Germany), DANIDA (Danish), BICC ( Birendra International Convention Centre) of Kathmandu, etc. are examples.  Features of Bilateral projects:   This project is based on foreign aids and grants.  This is a mutual agreement between donor country and receiver country.  This project is generally service-oriented.  This projects generally depends upon a large scale projects.  This project helps in the infrastructural development of the country.  Advantages:  Grants  Economic development  Expansion of Relationship  Employment opp

Project team building

A team needs everybody’s help but a group seeks its benefit only. Team is a group of people united for common objectives. They come together for group objectives. Individual effort is added to achieve the goal. They can produce synergy effect. It means (2+3= 5) i.e. total effort (5) is greater than arithmetic sum (2+2=4) of individual effort. Each project involves more than one person. They work together to achieve project objectives. Team building is an ongoing process in projects. Team has following features which explains its importance. It is a group of two or more than two person working for collective performance. Each team sets specific team objectives. It produces the positive synergy. Team member are interactive and independent on each other. There is individual and mutual accountability. Teams facilitates workforce diversity, increase performance, promote creativity. Teams are result oriented, focus, common goal. Types of project team: Problem solving, self mana

Project Authority

Authority is a special power of making decisions regarding any problem. On the other hand, the Authority is the power to take and implement the management decision. It is also the right to influence others and to use resources. It is the legal power to edit the activities of the project or organization.  Each project is formal to achieve its predetermined objectives within the project constraints i.e. time, cost and equality performance. Top management delegates the project authority to project manager and others (for risky project, more authority is required whereas less risky project many require less authority).  Project authority creates the project structure. It also facilities coordination between the project manager and other managers as well as organization manager and project manager. Authority is the legal power on the basis of which managers can provide a reward as well as punishment. In project: Project authority is shifted vertically downward from the top

Brief review of UN, UNIDO, OECD and world bank project evaluation techniques

The UNO was formally established aiming at achieving to establish corporation and peace and to develop international cooperation between various nations of the world effectively in Oct. 24, 1945. The UNO was established as a powerful international organization for the development of different nations after the world war 1st and 2nd. This organization is doing its important works by spreading its helping hands even today in the field like education, health, social activities, culture, and science, etc. It has some agency:  World Bank  UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)  OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)  World Bank is a project evaluation technique of the world bank. It was established in Dec 27, 1945, Prime financial of organization of UNO. It was established to eliminate poverty and economic problems. The world bank applies the following techniques while monitoring and evaluating its loans provided to the poor an