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Neo-Keynesian Approach to Inflation: The Phillips Curve

Neo-Keynesian Approach to Inflation: The Phillips Curve Generally, Neo-Keynesian macroeconomics has the following four propositions. i.                     Private sector is unstable ii.                   Money in the long run is neutral iii.                 There exists tradeoff between inflation and unemployment iv.               Countercyclical policies are preferable to achieve the macroeconomic stability Phillips (1958), using the data of Great Britain, innovated the Phillips curve which showed the negative relationship between rate of change in money wage and rate of change in unemployment . The original Phillips curve was just the empirical relationship, however, most influential theoretical interpretation steamed from R.G. Lipsey (1960) . The Phillips curve appeared empirically plausible and verifiable explanation of continuously rising money wage, a phenomena which the classical labour market could not explain immediately. The demand for and suppl

The Samuelson and Slow Modification

The Samuelson and Slow Modification Samuelson and Slow (1960) modified the Phillips curve so that it represents the relationship between rate of inflation and rate of unemployment. The link between wage inflation and price inflation was established through markup equation which may be stated as below:      P = (1 + a) WN/Y ……………… (1) Where,       P = general level of price      W = money wage rate      N = number of employment      Y = real output      a = constant profit margin In this above equation WN/Y denotes the unit labor cost – the cost of labor per unit of output. Using the concept of labor productivity (p = Y/N) equation (1) can be written as,      P = (1 + a) W/p Differentiating the equation after natural log transformation we will get,      π = gw – λ ……………….. (2) Here, inflation rate (π) is equal to difference between rate of growth in money wage rate (gw) and the rate of growth in labor productivity (λ). Further, let us assume t

Monetary Approach to Balance of Payment

Monetary Approach to Balance of Payment – by Harry G. Johnson in 1977 The monetary approach to balance of payment (developed by Harry G. Johnson in 1977) is also known as the ‘Small Country Model of Balance of Payment’ that shows an automatic adjustment between change in money supply (∆Ms) and money demand (∆Md) through the change in the position (deficit/surplus) of Balance of Payment. According to the approach, Balance of Payment is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon so that there is a significant role of both money supply and money demand in the position of Balance of Payment. The approach is based on given assumptions: a. The country is small and open economy b. All countries are functioning with full employment economy c. There is a fixed exchange rate regime d. There is no money illusion e. There is a strong desire of people for adjustment between Ms = Md f. There is a perfect mobility of goods/s and financial assets from a coun

New Classical School (Rational Expectation Theory)

New classical school (Rational expectation theory)                  -      Rational expectation theory on quantity theory of money                  -      Rational version on quantity theory of money                  -      Radicalist version on quantity theory of money                  -      Radicalist version on quantity theory of money                  -      Lucas version on quantity theory of money The term rational expectation is used in economics only since 1961 by John Muth (American economist) by publishing an article “ Rational expectation and price movement ”. So, he is also considered as the father of rational expectation revolution. But, the concept and term “ Rational expectation ” is widely used, highly developed and made more popular by an American economist Robert Lucas in 1972 by publishing an article called “ Expectation and neutrality of money ” and award Nobel prize in 1995. Lucas is also known as the lender of new classical school

Financial Institutions

Financial institutions (Intermediaries) Financial institutions are the formal and legal institutions that conduct various types of financial transactions and also provide financial services to its customers and members like accepting voluntary deposits, compulsory deposits, providing loans against collateral, investment on financial assets, discounting financial assets, exchange and transfer of foreign currencies, transfer of home currency within the nation, issue of travel cheque, bank draft, letter of credit, debit card, credit card, etc. Hence, financial institutions work as a bridge between/among the ultimate savers and ultimate lenders, exchange of goods/s, transfer of currencies etc. There are two broad categories of financial institutions like banking and financial institutions BFIs and non-banking financial institutions NBFIs . BFIs                                          NBFIs a) Central bank                        a) Development banks b) Commercial banks